Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Electric Blue

Monday; December 3, 6:30AMJeon Residence

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Monday; December 3, 6:30AM
Jeon Residence

Writer's P.O.V

Taehyung cried, and cried, and cried. He was harassed the most for his appearance. Jungkook demanded maids to dye Tae's hair every shade of the rainbow.

He was now described as Snow White around the house. His lips as red as strawberries. Every time he walked down the hallway the guests stare at him in awe. It made the now blue-haired boy uncomfortable.

Taehyung also lost a drastic amount of weight. It made his body much more feminine. Jungkook would stare at him while he'd change, drooling every time his hourglass figure came into view. Tae would silently sob from the unwanted attention.

And then there was Jimin. He was ordered to be put in a separate cell than his best friend, which automatically broke his heart. Jiminie was only allowed to see each other during breakfast and dinner.

One night, Jungkook shoved Taehyung into his bed and slept next to him. Taehyung found it somewhat comfortable, Jeon's arm tightly around his waist pulling him closer. But the smaller boy could feel, what he called, the olders no-no area on his back, rubbing against him. He tried not to whine, clasping his hands on his mouth and suffers through the night.


Taehyung's eyes shot open by the sound of construction outside. He attempts to raise himself, but an arm was restraining him back. The blue-haired boy turns and stares at the boy next to him.

"J-Jungkook..." Taehyung whispers, poking at the noirette. Jeon's hand pulls tighter, bringing Tae's chest to his face.

He groans, "Good morning, beautiful."

The younger pouts, "G-get away from me, Jeon!" He shoves Jeon aside, running to the bathroom and locking it.

Taehyung can hear rustling, silence, and then footsteps. A knock rang on the door. "Kim Taehyung, let me in." Jungkook authorized. Taehyung stood his ground though. "N-no! Until you let me see Jiminie!"

"Why do you care about that freak? He's trying to take you away from me." The ravenette growled, shoving his weight onto the door, almost knocking Taehyung over.

Tae stands, placing a chair where he was before. "He loves Yoongi and Hoseok, not me! I also never said I was yours in the first place!"

"I'll knock this door down if I have to, angel. Fine, you can go see your 'soulmate' if you're so desperate."

Tae opens the door but immediately gets smother into Jungkook's chest. He thrashes around trying to escape. Eventually giving up, Taehyung gets dragged into the dining room.

Jimin's P.O.V

I sat alone in the dining room, waiting for food to be served to me. It was okay I guess. It's not something I would eat every day, but I've managed.

Water dripped down my face. The maids were ordered to wash the excess pink dye from my hair. It's a cute color though! This is something I liked out of this.

A bell rings, indicating the food's ready. I silently moan from the rich smell.  Today must be different since this meal does not smell the same as before. It's more... rich.

"Enjoy your meal, Jimin," Jisoo says, her smile brightening the day. "I ask the chef to make this one extra special for you."

I smiled back, thanking her before she left.

"J-Jiminie?" I hear a small voice say. I turn to see a blue-haired boy look at me, tears falling down their face. I blank out, taking a second to remind myself.

Shock then runs down my face.

This is Taehyung.

I stand from my chair and run to him, hugging him tightly. "Taehyungie, I missed you! Where've you been?! What happened to you!"

He cripples up tightly when Jungkook places a hand on his shoulder. "No hugging, I've told you this." Taehyung takes a step away from me, hurting my feelings.

"Sorry, Jiminie." He mumbles. An awkward silence fills the room as chefs became quiet from the kitchen. "Can we start eating now? I'm hungry." Taehyung puffs out.

Jeon gives a creepy smile and leads him to the table. I run over and move to my seat, smiling brightly.

"Taehyung, sit next to m-"

"No, he is going to be by my side," Jeon says, holding Taehyungie by the arm and literally shoving him down into the chair.

I could hear the tiny whimpers of pain from him. I sneer and sit down, grabbing my plate and eating angrily. He smirks at me as Taehyung stares at his plate uncomfortably.

The ravenette coughs, "So, Park Jimin. I have a surprise for you," he continues.

"What, that you're going to let me and Taehyung go? How delightful." I sass, rolling my eyes. Tae looked panicked, his eyes darting to Jungkook, who stared at me.

"No, but you see... I'm going to have to give you back to Yoongi and Hoseok. You're no use to me now. You'll be leaving after we're done with the meal."

The silver utensil drops out of my hand as Tae leaves an large gasp.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☾  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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