Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: Growing Feelings

Friday; December 7, 3:30PMRiver's Hotel

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Friday; December 7, 3:30PM
River's Hotel

Taehyung's P.O.V.

I awaken by the muffled sound of knocking at the door. I groan, throw a tantrum, and sigh, knowing I can't go back to sleep.

"What?!" I yell as I throw my head back into the pillow and rub my eyes. "Let's get the hell out of here. It's Taeyong, dude."

"And Jennie!" A louder female voice yelled.

Following his way I get from the bed, knowing it's the last time I'll sleep in that piece of crap. 'Coming,' I mumble, unbuttoning my collared-shirt to reveal the dirt-covered stomach of mine.

I promised myself I'll take the longest shower I'll ever have.

A note falls out of the small pocket in the front. I mumble in confusion as the bright yellow paper lands on the wooden floor.

"It's looks recent as fuck. I haven't written to anyone in a long time..."

'What are you going to do now? It seems you've found a way out of Daddy's grasp. No worries though! Daddy is not mad. Just disappointed and sad!

I'd love to talk to you, work some things out you know? I won't hurt you—I promise really! Don't be a pussy and just meet me at the park near the lake, yeah?

I love you—like—REALLY love you. I hope one day you can say that back to me.


The love of your life.

P.S: I'll be sending more letters. I know where you are, always baby.'

I feel a shiver rise my spine after reading the additional sentence at the end. I became nauseated, my stomach felt as if were about to explode all of its contents.

I hold my red cheeks in confusion, wondering why I've become so warm in the first place. "Do I still... no. I shouldn't be thinking like that. Move on, move on idiot!" I whisper to myself.

I ruffle my blue hair and slap my cheeks together. Taeyong swings the door open and smiles dorkishly. "What's with the red face, bud?"

I nervously smile back, not ready to tell him yet, "None of your business!" Taeyong burrows his eyebrows and chuckles in doubt, "Whatever you say, kid."

I keep to myself as we walk past the receptionist. Jennie flies a kiss at her, the lady squirms uncomfortably, her cheeks as red as mine were before.

"T-Taeyong," I ask, the red-haired man turns. "I have a specific place I want to go next. I hope it won't bother you much." I continue, pulling out the letter and showing him the map on the back.

He stares at it before nodding, "Not too far, I got this."

I sigh in relief, rubbing my shoulders.

Jennie suddenly grabs my wrist and tugs me into the car, I whine in surprise.

"Do I leave you there or should I stay until you stop at your original destination?" The elder boy asked.

"J-just leave me there. There'll be a person waiting for me there."

"What do I do with the girl?"

"My name is Jennie, dumbass!"

I thought for a long time, before pulling the maid behind the car. "Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it that the prince wants?" She replies. I pull her ear next to me, she whines but stops when I whisper things to her. The brunette pulls back and nods, "You can count on me! I do owe you one!"

We then parted ways, she hugged me for a few seconds and handed me her number. "See you in a bit!"

Her short legs picked up speed and ran back into the hotel.

Taeyong bangs on the side of the metal van, catching my attention. "You just let her go?" He obnoxiously said. I sighed and nodded, "Where I'm going, it's too dangerous for her to go."

"What about me? Can I come?"

I shook my head, explaining the same reason to him.

He drinks from his soggy soda can, which was left in the van 2 days ago. "Well, it was nice knowing you, kid. When we meet again let's exchange numbers!"

I hesitated, but being the nice person I am, I agreed.

We drove to the lake.

Hey, if I die why not call the only person I think would pick up right now?

"Taeyong, let me borrow your phone." He questions me, asking why.

I reply, "I need to call a good friend of mine."

Jimin's P.O.V.

Every day, they'd knock on my door. I'm pretty sure there's a stack of meal trays left at my door from Seokjin.

I tried calling Taehyung's parents to get an update, but received a short text message which told me nothing, nothing at all.

For the past hour, I've gotten random calls from the same number. I've grown annoyed at the ringing every minute that I finally answered the next one.

"What do you want?!" I yell at the phone.

"Ji-mi–n?" The voice says, unable to be recognized because of the lack of signal.

"Who are you and what the fuck do you want from me? Are you Jeon Jungkook?! I won't hesitate to call the poli-"

"N-no! It's Taehyung! Your best friend, soulmate, remember."

I flinch at the name, the memories flooding back into me. "Prove it! Prove to me that you're my soulmate!"

There's silence on the other line, the static sound between us. "I've escaped the Jeon's residence. I'm with a man named Taeyong right now! He's helping me get back home."

"I don't believe you. Show me more proof."

"Video call me then! Do it Jiminie!" I grumble again and hang up the call, quickly recalling him this time on face call.

My eyes widen when a blurry, glitched oopvideo of the blue-haired boy I loved was shown. I begin to cry after seeing him tear up too. "Do you believe me now?" He says.

I nod, unable to speak because of my sobs.

"I'm safe, don't worry about me now. Taeyong is here! Say hello to the camera other Tae!" Taehyung says, turning the camera to the driver.

I giggle at their dorkish antics, a little jealous I'm not there.

"Taehyung, turn the camera back to you," I whisper. He beams toward the camera. "Be safe, I love you~" TaeTae continues.

I flinch at the sentence,

"I love you too. Come back home quick!" Not remembering to ask them where they were going.

His smile drops a bit, "I promise, Jiminie. Don't forget to tell the others I love them! Okay, bye-bye now!"

Taehyng quickly hangs up and I'm left with a dead phone.

"You act like your going to make the worst decision in your life," I whisper.

"at least you're safe."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☾  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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