Chapter 36

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Chapter 36: A Frustrated Letter

Wednesday; December 12, 11:03PMKim Residence

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Wednesday; December 12, 11:03PM
Kim Residence

Writer's P.O.V

Jimin clung onto Taehyung, his small hands clasped onto his best friend's waist as Yoongi tried to pull him off.

The others attempted to convince their friend that he shouldn't act like that, but the boy refused and whined louder.

The blue-haired laughed at his friends. He pushed Jimin off and plopped the tiny boy onto Hoseok's lap. In protest, Jimin flew off and chased the boy into the hallway.

Taehyung fought hard to close his bedroom door as Jimin tried to snap it open to embrace him. "E-enough! I want to have some time alone..."

Finally, the smaller boy pouted, and walked away in defeat. The other four laughed at his loss.

Tae sighed and closed the door, softly locking it and walking to his bed.

He hadn't forgotten the way his cabinet didn't close, the feeling of the sturdy mattress of his whenever he jumped in for a snooze; He didn't forget his home.

Taehyung knew he'd come back, so he promised himself he'd would be reminded of his home everyday.

"Hey, bed. Sorry I was gone for a long time."

"Came to welcome me home, my beautiful carpet?"

"I missed you too, chair." He spoke, tiredly slugging on the office chair his mom bought him.

Everything he owned was from his parents. They still buy him gifts often. "Mom..."

Taehyung missed his parents dearly, wanting to tell them his adventures and suffering through the year. But without a phone, he had no way of contact with his mom and dad.

Even Jimin told him he had failures of reaching them. It was very odd, indeed. But the blue-haired paid no attention, already used to the lack of parents.

Jin recommended writing a letter to their company.

Which was what Taehyung did for the next few hours.

His trash can filled to the brim with crumbled parchment. Tae worried it would soon overfill the small bedroom.

Failure after failure, he finally gained an array of ideas. His hand began to write like it had a mind of its own.


The boy stopped writing and twirled his chair to meet the door. His confused brown eyes followed the movement of his friend.

"How's that letter going?" Namjoon asked, sliding in a bag of chips onto the younger's desk. Taehyung mumbled a 'good' and continued writing his thousands of paragraphs.

"Well that's great. By the way, there's mail left for you under the table." Namjoon spoke silently again, he didn't wanted to disturb the hardworking boy.

Taehyung hummed and continued to draft on his filled out paper. He never questioned how the taller boy even opened the locked door because of his focused attention on the white parchment.

"Done!" He happily chirped, setting the paper aside and peeking under the table.

His caramel eyes widened at the sight of hundreds of mail in one large box.

"J-Jiminie!" He yelled, the said boy running upstairs and slamming the door open. "Mhm?"

"Can you help me open this bunch of mail?"

The smaller boy nodded and skipped over, plopping himself onto the soft carpet below. "Can we separate it first?"

Seokjin's P.O.V

The amount of junk in Taehyung's room was overwhelmingly messy. I had to ask the other boys to start opening mail as I cleaned out the room.

It was a team effort helping our friend out.

There were sometimes Jimin and Hoseok whined in exhaustion from the amount of trash. Yoongi did scold them a few times and they went back to work, fearing they'd anger the cat once more.

All six of us giggled like old times. The music blared from Yoongi's phone as me and Namjoon dance along while sweeping the ground.

The other boys smiled as we chimed.

I saw Jimin get off track and whisper something into Taehyung's ear, making the boy stop smiling. The electric blue-haired boy snatched the envelope from Jimin's hand and read it carefully.

I got distracted and started to drum loudly on the trash cans.

"Everyone, get out." Taehyung spoke, creepily serious. None of us listened and mocked his tone of voice. "What's with that attitude TaeTae? You found a love letter?"

He didn't look so happy when we joked around, slamming Yoongi's phone on the ground and knocking the trash to the floor.

Our heads twirled to his tantrum. When Jimin tried to reach out, Taehyung slaps his hand away. The smaller boy gasps and shrivels away in shock.

"GET OUT!" He yelled.

Without a second thought, we scrambled to our feet and headed for the door. The last thing I saw was Yoongi's broken phone heading for my face.

But the door slammed quickly enough to block it from coming at us, the muffled thump of the phone landing on his floor was the only thing between us right now.

"What went wrong now?" I asked myself.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☾  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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