26 : virgil's breaking point

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Declan and Remy sat side by side across the table from Virgil. Virgil found himself in that position a lot.

Declan and Remy felt bad for what they planned to do, but it felt like that was what it had to come to.

So, that's what they did.

Virgil was on the verge of tears, biting his lip so hard it was close to bleeding, while the detectives threw hard questions at him fast and ruthlessly.

"Who framed you?"

"Were you really at a party?"

"How do we know that you didn't kill Roman?"

"What are you planning?"

"If someone framed you, fucking say who it is!"

"You're going to be thrown in prison if we find out it's really you!"

"You're already charged for lying to officers."

"If you don't tell us, we're going to keep you here for days and you won't be able to do anything about it."

"Who else could know that code?"

"Who did it?"

"This is worthless. Someone else could die and it'll be your fault that you can't just tell us!"

Remy slammed his hands on the table and stood up, causing Virgil to flinch and cover his face with his arms.

"P-Please don't h-h-hurt me!" Virgil pleaded weakly.

Declan pulled a pair of handcuffs out from his satchel and twirled it around his finger nonchalantly, making sure Virgil was watching in fear. In another hand was an unloaded gun. They made for good scares without doing any harm, and it ended up working on their suspect.

Finally, Virgil hit his breaking point.



Both detectives gave each other surprised looks.


No, that couldn't be right.

Virgil stood up too. "Yes, it was Logan, but don't arrest him! Just arrest me and get it over with! I don't want him to get mad at me!" Terror filled his eyes and he held his wrists out for Declan to handcuff him. "I know that's not how it works, but he's gone through so much, and I don't know what would happen to him and his dreams if he went to jail!"

He took a second to breathe and then gulped before saying, "Let me take the blame. I don't have anything waiting for me in the future. Everyone else does."

Remy took his sunglasses off and used his cold stare to make Virgil short of breath. "We'll look into it. We can't arrest him without concrete proof he's guilty. Thank you."

Declan put a hand on Virgil's back and soothed him. "Everything will be alright."

The youngest of the three shook his head, toying at the sleeves of his hoodie.

"I doubt it."

the night of june 2nd // sanders sides ✔Where stories live. Discover now