30 : a new life plan

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*TW: Yikes- if the last chapter affected you at all, you REALLY need to watch out now*

Logan wasn't like that until middle school hit and his competition with other, better students grew. So he studied until his eyes were sore, snatched every A plus that he could, led the school's boy's soccer team to every victory, and won a medal in every cross country competition.

He had to.

Without all those sports, he wouldn't build enough strength and energy to continue to slowly kill himself with his academics.

In the future, he would be the top student in the state, but hopefully in the entire country, and Harvard would see that. And they would see his skills in sports and surely admit him.

He was around the middle on the popularity spectrum with the sports he took part in, and he was alright with that. He could have been even more popular if he didn't spend so much time alone for school.

Before middle school, he did sports for fun while still doing exceptionally at school. He cried when other people got hurt, even when it didn't affect him at all, and he gave hugs to everyone who needed one.

He was every parent's angel dream kid.

The only thing that changed that was that when middle school hit, he wasn't the best anymore. And he pushed himself constant burnout, but it was okay, because it would be worth it.

It worked.

He was a top student.

He didn't know what he was doing to himself. He didn't know things couldn't last forever.

Well, at least, he just didn't want to accept it.

Adult Logan didn't want to accept it either—"it" being the fact that he was turning into what he used to be. Or, at least, he didn't know.

"I'm busy. Sorry."

That was something he said a lot now, just like old times. Sometimes he would actually have work to do, and sometimes his depressive state would drag him down to the point where he didn't want to move an inch in the morning.

He was a morning person, but he would soon be converted if he didn't pull his shit together.

He would start over.


He pulled out a paper he hadn't touched in years. He wrote it when he got rejected from Harvard, and edited it when he started liking Roman, four years later when he graduated from college, and started dating Roman. Then he edited again two years later into their relationship.

1. Look past failure (if you can, but maybe not). ✔️
2. Go to a good college (good enough, maybe) and train to be a teacher. ✔️
3. Get a paid internship and do community service. ✔️
4. Graduate. ✔️
5. Start an assistant teaching job. ✔️
6. Date Roman. ✔️
7. Become teacher. ✔️
8. (After a few more years) Adopt a pet with Roman.
9. Marry Roman.
10. Start a company for something big so that teaching job can be dropped (not sure what that is yet, but I'll have it figured out by then).
11. Inspire others.
12. Live happily with Roman until I die

He crossed out everything after number seven which he never got to check off, keeping numbers ten and eleven.

And he erased the check next to "Look past failure".

He had to make a new plan.

Racking his brain for ideas, he came across nothing of importance.

8. Get over Roman's death.

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