The Date

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I heard a knock on the door and my heart started beating a mile a minute.

Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?!

I took a deep breath and walked to the door. I opened it and saw Chelia in a nice pink T-shirt with her dark blue skirt. She had black stockings that went up to her knees. Her pink hair was in her usual pig tails. She looks so... casual?

She actually looks really cute... S-Stop it!!

Chelia: "Wendy, why are you dressed like that? That's a little overboard"

No!! I knew this would happen!!

Wendy: "I'm sorry Chelia~San... I-I've never been on a date before and I didn't know what to wear"

Chelia: "It's okay. But if you want to go change, I'll wait here"

I bowed a little.

Wendy: "T-Thank you Chelia~San. I'll be right back"

I ran into my bedroom and tried not to scream.

I overdid it... I'm such an idiot...

I changed out of the dress and changed into a light bluish-green T-shirt. I put on a black skirt and my black stockings that went up to my thighs. I put the two red hair clips in my hair, making my two very long pig tails. I walked back out to see Chelia was still waiting. I walked over to her and bowed again.

Wendy: "I'm so sorry Chelia~San"

Chelia: "Wendy, it's okay. This is my first date too. So needless to say this date will be a bit awkward at times"

Wendy: "Y-Yeah..."

Chelia blushed a little before speaking again.

Chelia: "If I'm embarrassed, then you're 3 times more embarrassed than I am. Let's not think of this as a date. Let's just make this a day for two close friends to hang out"

I nodded.

Wendy: "Right"

Chelia: "Okay, follow me"

Chelia and I started walking down the street. It was almost dusk but it was still light enough. As we walked, my heart was still beating fast.

Wendy, calm down...

We got to the place Chelia wanted to take me and when I saw what it was, my eyes open wide and I took a huge gasp. It was the restaurant Chelia took me to. You may need a bit of background information. After the Grand Magic Games, we started to hang out a bit. One day, we ate here and talked for a while. So being back here made me really happy.

Wendy: "Thank you so much Chelia~San"

Chelia: "No problem Wendy. Let's go inside. I don't know about you, but I'm really hungry"

We walked in and everything looked the same as when we first came here. We were given a table and we started looking through the menus.

Chelia: "What are you going to have?"

Wendy: "I don't know, everything looks so good"

Chelia: "Oh, and don't worry about the price. I brought plenty of Jewel"

Wendy: "No, let me help pay"

Chelia: "I'm the one who asked you out. So I'm the one who pays"

Wendy: "Then I'll leave the tip"

Chelia smiled.

Chelia: "Alright, I guess I'm not winning am I?"

I giggled a little and continued looking through the menu. We ended up both getting an order of salmon. When it got to our table, it smelled amazing.

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