The Love Rival

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She has a crush of Chelia~San?!?!

Wendy: "Y-You do?!"

Nozomi blushed and nodded.

Nozomi: "Yeah..."

Wendy: "How can you? You just met her today"

Nozomi: "Well, I've actually worked for Lamia Scale for a while. However I wasn't a member of the guild. I just recently became a full member today"

Nozomi looked at the ceiling.

Nozomi: "I've been watching her since I got the job at the guild. She's so elegant and beautiful. I don't know how she's not dating anyone yet"

Oh no....

Nozomi stood up and stretched.

Nozomi: "Alright, I have to go now. It was fun spending the day with you Wendy. I hope we can do it again!"

She grabbed her bag and dashed out the door. I quickly ran to the door and closed it. Once it was closed, I almost screamed.

She has a crush on Chelia?! No, this can't be happening!

I quickly stood up and ran into my room. I turned the lights off and plopped down onto my bed. I then hugged my body pillow.

No, it doesn't have a cover on it. But if it did, it would probably be a Chelia cover.

Wendy: "What should I do....?"

I grabbed my head out of frustration.

Wendy: "No, Chelia and I are already dating. She can't get between us. She won't"

I don't know how long it took, but I eventually fell asleep. I then had a nightmare.

It was completely dark. There was nothing. Suddenly, I was in my apartment, right outside my bedroom. I opened the bedroom door and saw Nozomi and Chelia kissing. I screamed but no sound came out. Chelia then turned to me.

Chelia: "Wendy, what are you doing here?"

She got up.

Chelia: "I thought I told you I never wanted to see you again"

C-Chelia~San— wait—

Chelia: "What? Nothing to say?"

She walked closer to me.

Chelia: "I never loved you. I never cared about you. Nozomi is the only person I love"

Her next line made me almost break.

Chelia: "I hate you"

I quickly sat up in my bed and took a huge gasp. I looked around and saw it was morning.

I-It was just a dream...

I looked at my hand.

Calm down Wendy. Chelia~San would never say something like that. Would she?

I quickly shook my head.

Wendy: "No, stop. Chelia~San will tell Nozomi~San about us. I have to trust that she will"

I got out of bed and changed out of my old clothes, into my Edolas outfit. I walked out to the bedroom and made myself breakfast. It was just some eggs and a glass of orange juice. As I ate, I realized Carla wasn't home.

Where is she? She wasn't home last night either.

After I finished breakfast, I left for Lamia Scale. I really just wanted to say hi to Chelia before she goes on her job. As I was walking down the road, I felt like I was being watched. I turned to look behind me but didn't see anything. I continued walking until I eventually made it to Lamia Scale. I walked inside and looked around for Chelia. However, I didn't see her. I didn't even see Nozomi.

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