Thank You Everyone!

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Wow, just wow. I honestly never thought one of my stories would ever be this loved. I've had so much support from everyone and I just want to say thank you. Writing this story for all of you has made me really happy. Just knowing that someone takes the time out of their day to read what I've written is really inspiring. That thought is the thing that motivates me to keep writing.

I've actually been going through a lot lately. But writing this story has kept me happy through all of it. I really don't think I could express enough how I feel about this. But writing this story has been the highlight of this year. And there is nothing I could ever do to repay everyone for their support.

Next, the lemon. I'm sorry to inform you all, but I can no longer write and publish a lemon. I'm sorry to all of you who wanted one (you sick people....).

Now, for those of you who are sad that this is over, I have a deal for everyone. I want anyone who wants to, comment what kind of story you want next. It can be anything except for more lemons. I really shouldn't be writing lemons anyways. If Carla found out, I'd be in a lot of trouble. But if you have a story recommendation for me to write, let me know. It can be another Chendy story if you want. However, not to annoy Rowen fans, but I will NOT write any Rowen stories. Also, give your suggestions some detail. I need a little information to go with.

Again, thank you for everything and I'll see you all on my next story! Now if you'll excuse me, Chelia and I have another date tonight. Wish me luck!

 Wish me luck!

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