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It's been a week since I fought Nozomi. However, ever since then, Chelia had been very protective of me. I guess since I almost died, she didn't want that to happen again. However, she's practically been keeping me on a short leash. Anywhere I go, she goes. If someone messes with me, she sends them to next week.

And she's been a little more... what's the word... romantic. She is constantly saying she loves me, in public or in private. She's also been kissing me a lot more. Though... I can't say I'm completely against it. D-Don't look at me like that...!

As for Nozomi, she died when the wood went into me and her. It's really sad to think I'm the reason for all of this. Because of me, her parents died. I guess I can't save everyone....

I was relaxing on the couch in my house when the phone started ringing. I got up and answered the phone. I then heard Lucy's voice.

Lucy: "Hey Wendy. Me and a few others are going to the guild's bathhouse and we were wondering if you wanted to come too"

Wendy: "Sure, I'll go"

Lucy: "Great, I'll see you at noon"

Wendy: "Wait, can Chelia~San come too?"

Lucy: "I don't see why not. Having her there will be really fun"

Wendy: "Okay, I'll go ask her now. I'll see you later Lucy~San"

I then hung up and dialed Chelia. The phone rang and finally someone picked up.

Chelia: "Hey Wendy"

Wendy: "Hi Chelia~San. I was invited to go to the guild's bathhouse and I wanted to know if you wanted to go with"

Chelia: "Sure, that sounds like fun. I'm doing something right now so go ahead and I'll see you in a little bit"

Wendy: "Okay, bye Chelia~San"

I hung up the phone. I then realized what I'd just done.


Why did I ask her to go?! W-We'll all be naked in the bathhouse! I'm such an idiot!

I grabbed my head out of frustration.

O-Okay, I'll just wear a swimsuit. Yeah, that'll work

I went into my bedroom and dug through my drawers. And....

No!! Why do I not have any clean swim suits?!

I let out a huge sigh.

Fine, I'll just keep the towel on

I grabbed one of my biggest towels from my drawers and went into the living room. I slipped my shoes on and told Carla about it.

Carla: "I'll go with"

Wendy: "Yay!"

We left the house and made our way to the Fairy Tail guild's bathhouse. It's the same bathhouse as the one in the OVA. We walked into the girls section and once we were inside, we saw everyone was already here. I saw Lucy, Levy, Erza, Mirajane, and Cana. They were already wrapped up in their towels.

Lucy: "Hey Wendy, I'm glad you decided to come"

Wendy: "Thank you for inviting me, Lucy~San"

Lucy: "Hey, where's—"

I cut Lucy off.

Wendy: "S-She'll be a little late"

Mirajane: "Who is this "she"?"

Wendy: "N-No one"

I slipped my clothes off and covered myself in my towel. We all walked out into the main bathing area. Lucy, Levy, and Mirajane went right into the hot springs while Erza, Cana, Carla and I sat down at the area to clean ourselves off. I grabbed the bar of soap and started to clean myself off.

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