Nozomi's Cry

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It's been about two weeks since Nozomi joined Lamia Scale. Ever since, I've been trying to figure out a way to save Chelia. Nozomi kept her word though, she hasn't hurt Chelia at all. That's because I haven't done anything yet. The only thing Nozomi has really done to her is tickle her in her basement. I'm guessing Nozomi manipulates Chelia's mind to where she likes being tickled. I hope that's the case and Chelia doesn't enjoy being bound and tickled...

Lucy invited me over to her house and said she'd figured it out. So when she called and once I hung up the phone, I practically sprinted down to her house. As I was running, I swear I saw Nozomi watching me from an ally.

That is really scary!

I pretended not to see her and kept running.

Just wait Chelia~San, I'll be there soon

I finally got to Lucy's apartment and knocked on her door. Lucy opened the door and greeted me with a smile.

Lucy: "Hi Wendy"

Wendy: "Hi Lucy~San. You said you needed help with Natsu?"

Another code Lucy and I came up with so Nozomi doesn't get suspicious.

Lucy: "Yeah, I need some advice. Come in"

I walked into her apartment and Lucy closed the door behind me. She then put if a magic barrier, like the one back in the ally, around us once again. We were back in the white room.

Wendy: "Did you find anything?"

Lucy: "A huge weakness she has. All of her spells, they have a time limit"

Wendy: "How long?"

Lucy: "Well, it's been two weeks since she's cast it on Chelia. The limit is 15 days. On the 15th day at midnight, her spell will need to recharge. Then we can slap one of these magic blockers in her"

Lucy held up a black band.

Wendy: "How long will the recharge take?"

Lucy: "It's not long. It's only five seconds"

Wendy: "Five seconds?!"

Lucy nodded.

Wendy: "How are we going to get this on her within five seconds?"

Lucy: "Erza or Natsu might be fast enough. But you'll have to do it"

Wendy: "W-Why?!"

Lucy: "Well... when I said she had to recharge, I meant on that person. In those five seconds, she can start manipulating someone else. That's why you need to stop her"

Wendy: "How am I supposed to stop her?"

Lucy held up another magic blocker.

Lucy: "If you wear this, you won't be able to use magic, but no one can use magic on you"

Lucy paused.

Lucy: "You'll have to take her somewhere where she'll be limited to what she can control"

I looked at the white ground. I then looked back up at her.

Wendy: "I'll do it"

The next day

It is now 11:50pm at night. I invited Nozomi and Chelia up to the hill where they... kissed. I even sounded convincing to Nozomi. As I was waiting at the hill, with both magic blockers in my skirt pocket, I started to think.

I can't mess this up. I have one chance at this. Make it count.

Suddenly, I heard Chelia and Nozomi walked out from behind the trees. Chelia smiled at me but Nozomi kept a straight face.

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