A Magical Christmas

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Christmas, I really love Christmas. I don't know what it is about this holiday, but I always get really happy around this time. Since Dragon Slayer Mating Season was last week.... let's not talk about that. I was invited to a party Lucy was hosting. It would be at her apartment and she let me invite Chelia as well. And there was only one thing I needed to do now, get Chelia a Christmas present.

It was around 3:30pm when I decided to go out and get a present for her. I quickly put my jacket, gloves, and hat on, and left the house. And now, is where I ran into a problem.

What should I get her?!

We've been dating for almost 2 months and I still don't know what she likes. So, I'm clueless about what to get her. I decided to walk around the town a little and see if anything caught my eye. As I walked through Magnolia, looking at each shop as I passed, I still couldn't find anything that she may like. I then saw a beautiful little purse in the window of a store.

I don't think Chelia~San likes purses too much

I then saw a nice dress.

She would look beautiful in that

But... I quickly ran into a problem with the dress. The... chest... area was too small. And that was the largest they had. Just something else she has that I don't...

Not that I'm jealous!

I continued walking until I saw something that caught my eye. It was a little jewelry shop. I walked inside and started to look around.

This has to be perfect. I can't just get a random gift I think she would like. This has to mean something

Then, something called out to me. It was a little necklace with a small heart. Inside the heart, was a pinkish red gem.

Wait... that looks a lot like Chelia~San's hair color

I picked it up and brought it over to the counter. There was a man at the counter.

Man: "Hello, how are you?"

Wendy: "I'm good"

I set the necklace on the counter.

Man: "Okay, that'll be 1,000 jewel please"

I handed the man the money and he put the necklace in a special Christmas present bag.

Man: "Have a nice day"

Wendy: "Thank you"

I left the store and started for Lucy's apartment. The party started a little late at 6:00pm. it was now 4:30pm but I wanted to make sure I wasn't late. And if I could, I could help Lucy set everything up. As I walked, I kept thinking about how Chelia will react to her gift.

I really hope she loves it

I soon got to Lucy's house and knocked on the door. Lucy answered.

Lucy: "Hey Wendy, Merry Christmas"

Wendy: "It's still a little early for that, but thank you, Lucy~San"

Lucy: "Here, come in"

I walked inside and saw all of the decorations were already up.

Wendy: "Wow... it looks amazing, Lucy~San"

Lucy: "It took a while, but it looks beautiful. Anyways, make yourself at home, I'm gonna go take a shower. If you need it, the phone is right over there"

Lucy pointed at the corner of the room where a small table with a phone was.

Wendy: "Actually, I may call Chelia~San"

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