God Season Part 1

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Before I start this part, I want to say this chapter is appropriate for all ages. There is nothing bad that happens in it. However if I made one wrong move... it could have ended differently.

Okay, where should I start... I'm sure everyone knows about the Dragon Slayer mating season. Well, that's not the only mating season out there. There is also a mating for the God Slayers. I've never had to deal with mating season since I'm still young enough to not be affected by it. Chelia on the other hand....

It was a normal day like any other in the Fairy Tail guild. Lots of fighting, a lot of insults being thrown around. You know, home. I was sitting with Lucy and Levy at a table with Carla in my lap. I decided I should tell Lucy and Levy about everything.

Levy: "I'm really happy for you Wendy. Chelia was a bit of a surprise though"

Lucy: "I'm just happy they kissed"

Wendy: "W-We haven't kissed!"

Lucy: "Alright, Sorry"

Levy: "I'm glad you managed to confess your love for her. I'm still having a little trouble"

Carla: "With Gajeel I bet"

Levy's face grew a little red.

Levy: "N-No!"

Lucy: "What do you see in him?"

Levy: "I'm not talking about it because it's not true!"

Wendy: "It's okay Levy~San"

Levy pulled out one of her books from her bag, quickly wanting to change the subject, She set it on the table and opened it.

Levy: "This is why I wanted you to come to the guild before going to Chelia's. Look"

Levy pointed to the page title. It was called "God Mating Season"

I have a bad feeling about this...

Wendy: "What's this?"

Levy: "You're already familiar with Dragon Mating Season. Well, this is the God Slayer variant of it"

Wendy: "So... Chelia~San will go through this too?"

Levy nodded.

Levy: "It also happens twice a year. With Dragon Mating Season, it happens once in the winter and once in the summer. God Mating Season however, takes place once in the spring and once in the fall"

Wendy: "W-Wait, it's fall now!"

Levy nodded again.

Levy: "We don't know all of the details like exactly when it will happen. But from what I've read, it's a lot different to what happens to Dragon Slayers"

Wendy: "What do you mean?"

Levy: "When a Dragon Slayer is affected by their mating season, they go into a somewhat drunken state. They can't think clearly and can only think of one thing. The person they love"

I really hope I'm never affected by mating season. I don't want to do anything bad to Chelia~San.

Wendy: "What about God Slayers?"

Levy: "They only think about the person they love. However, they become really aggressive. They won't hurt the person they love but they may hurt others around them to protect the person they love. They'll somewhat cut themselves off from everyone except for the one they love"

Wendy: "Will Chelia~San be affected?"

Lucy: "We have no idea. We've been doing a lot of research on this but we haven't found anything on the age range yet"

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