The Second Date

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I woke up alone in bed. I quickly realized Chelia was gone and sat up. I looked around and saw Chelia at her desk. She had changed into her pajamas and was wearing her grey hoodie. She was also writing in her book about me.

Wendy: "Good morning Chelia~San"

Chelia turned to me and blushed. She quickly pulled the string on her hoodie and her hood contracted, hiding her face. I got up from bed and walked over to her. I grabbed her hand and she peaked out from her hood.

Wendy: "Chelia, it's okay"

Chelia: "How can it possibly be okay? I yelled so much at Sherry and you. I even pinned you to the bed—"

Chelia the gasped and covered her face with her hands.

Chelia: "O-Oh god! I-I'm so sorry Wendy!"

I leaned close and hugged her. She didn't stop covering her face but I could tell that the hug was helping.

Wendy: "It's okay. You couldn't control yourself because of mating season"

Chelia: "Mating season or not, I-I almost—"

I quickly pulled her hood opened and off of her head. I then closed my eyes and leaned close. I kissed her which made Chelia gasp. I separated from her and stumbled back a little.

Chelia: "W-Wendy?!"

I was blushing really hard, but I didn't care.

Wendy: "Don't ever blame yourself for any of that"

I walked forward and hugged her again.

Wendy: "S-Sorry about the kiss, I just needed to calm you down"

Chelia: "Well, you failed at that. Now my heart.... it's racing"

We both smiled.

Wendy: "Alright, then that kiss was my Valentines Day gift"

Chelia: "Oh that's right! Today is Valentines Day"

I nodded.

Wendy: "And, if you remember, we're going on our second date tonight"

Chelia squealed a little. She then spoke to herself.

Chelia: "Finally"

However, it was loud enough to where I could hear it. I only smiled.

Chelia: "Oh right, you should probably tell Carla. The phone is down the hall. I need to go apologize to Sherry"

Wendy: "Okay, just don't be worried. She doesn't blame you at all"

Chelia looked like she doubted it but got up. We walked out of the bedroom and Chelia went downstairs. I went up to the phone and called home. Carla picked up.

Carla: "Are you alright, Child?"

Wendy: "Yes, I'm fine"

Carla let out a sigh of relief.

Carla: "So, since your telling me this over the phone, I'm guessing you and Chelia are doing something again?"

Wendy: "W-Well, we're going on a second date"

Carla: "Isn't it a little soon for a second one?"

Wendy: "Today is Valentines Day, I just have to do it today"

Carla: "Alright, go ahead. Should I be expecting you tomorrow?"

Wendy: "Probably"

Carla: "Okay, have a good time"

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