The Most Embarrassing Day Ever

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I woke up in my bed, completely forgetting Chelia was in the bed right next to me. I sat up and stretched.

Wendy: "(Yawn) Good morning Carla~San..."

Chelia(Carla Impression): "Honestly child, how could you let Chelia sleep over without telling me first?"

Without looking up, I felt my face burn bright.

Wendy: "I-I'm sorry Carla~San... I-I just wanted to spend a little more time with her..."

Chelia: "Aw, that's sweet Wendy"

I looked up and saw Carla wasn't here, Chelia was doing her impression of her. I instantly blushed and looked away.

Wendy: "W-Wait, I-It's not what it sounds like"

Chelia: "I know, I'm sorry Wendy. I shouldn't have done that"

Wendy: "It's okay. Your Carla~San impression was great"

Chelia: "Really?"

Wendy: "Yeah, I thought you were her"

Chelia(Carla impression): "Well, I thank you"

I giggled a little.

Chelia: "Anyways, did you sleep well?"

Wendy: "I did. How did you sleep?"

Chelia: "A lot better than a normal night for some reason"

Don't say because you slept in the same room as me, don't say because you slept in the same room as me.

Chelia: "Maybe this bed is more comfortable than the one at my apartment"

Thank goodness...

Wendy: "You're always welcome to sleep here"

Chelia: "Thanks Wendy"

She got out of bed and her shirt was rolled up a little. It was just enough to where I could see her belly. She quickly put it back down and I tried my hardest not to laugh. Chelia, seeing me trying to hold a laugh in, quickly tried to explain.

Chelia: "I got hot last night and I rolled my shirt up a little..."

Wendy: "It's okay, I've never really had to worry about that"

Chelia: "Because you sleep in your—"

Wendy: "Don't say it!"

Chelia laughed.

Chelia: "I'm sorry. I'm not judging you at all"

Wendy: "T-Thanks..."

Chelia got up and sat down next to me. She grabbed my hand.

Chelia: "What's wrong?"

I covered my face with my hands.

Wendy: "I'm so embarrassed!"

Chelia: "Look, if it will make you feel better... then... would you like to see—"


Wendy: "N-No!! Please keep your clothes on!"

Chelia: "Um... I wasn't going to say that. I was going to say 'Would you like to see what I got you before I asked you out"

Why did I have to speak...?!

Wendy: "R-Right, Sorry"

Chelia walked over to where she set her clothes from last night and dug through her skirt pocket. She then pulled out 2 tickets.

Chelia: "I got us a day pass to the water park just outside of Magnolia"

Wendy: "Chelia~San, those cost a lot"

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