My Birthday As A Neko?!

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Today is December 6th, my birthday! And it was one of the most... eventful... birthdays I've ever had. If you want to find out why, keep reading.

I just woke up in my bed, feeling really out of it. I felt really dizzy and disoriented. I looked over to Carla's bed and saw she wasn't there. I sat up and almost fell back down.

W-Why am I so dizzy?

I got out of bed and changed into some new clothes. I then stumbled out of the bedroom. Once I was outside of the bedroom, I saw Carla was in her human form in the kitchen. She turned to me and smiled.

Carla: "Good morning Wendy, happy birthday"

Wendy: "Thank you Carla~San"

I then smelled pancakes.

Carla: "Take a seat, breakfast is almost ready"

Wendy: "You didn't have to make breakfast for me"

Carla: "Who said this was for you?"

I frowned and Carla smiled.

Carla: "I'm just kidding, Child. Sit down and relax"

I sat down at the dining table and Carla brought over a big plate with 2 big, fluffy, buttery pancakes, 3 strips of crispy bacon, some golden scrabbled eggs, and a tall glass of orange juice. I'm sorry if I made you hungry.

Wendy: "This looks amazing Carla~San"

Carla: "Well, dig in"

Carla and I dug in do the food and everything tasted amazing. After we were done, I was so full.

Wendy: "Thank you, Carla~San. That was delicious"

Carla: "You'll need the energy"

Wendy: "Why?"

Suddenly, a knock could be heard at the door.

Carla: "Come in"

I heard the door open and heard someone.

Chelia: "Happy birthday Wendy!"

Chelia came running into the kitchen. Then, she slipped and fell with her arms in front of her. Just like back in our match in the Grand Magic Games.

That takes me back. What am I talking about?! Is she okay?!

I got down onto the ground.

Wendy: "Chelia~San, are you okay?!"

Chelia rubbed her face.

Chelia: "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Ow..."

I held my hand out and she took it. I helped her up and it was only then that I saw what was in her other hand. It was a small red box with a bright blue bow on it.

Chelia: "Here"

She held the box out to me. I grabbed it but once I did, I started to feel weird. Mainly on my head and lower back. I dropped the box on the table. Then, my body started feeling weak. I fell to the ground and my whole body started shaking.

Chelia: "Wendy!"

Chelia got back down to the ground and held me in her arms.

Carla: "Wendy, what's wrong?!"

Wendy: "I-I feel really weird..."

Then, I felt something come out of the top of my head and lower back. After a few minutes, the feeling stopped. When I opened my eyes, Chelia and Carla were staring at me in complete shock. I sat up and still felt a little light headed. I turned to them.

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