Thank You

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Look at what was in my 'what to read next' selection!

Now, with that out of the way, let's get to what this is really about

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Now, with that out of the way, let's get to what this is really about.

As you know, this is the halfway point in my story. With that being said, I want to say a few things.

I'm really thankful for everyone who has supported me on this story. Originally, I was never going to publish this. I was just going to keep it on my profile for something to read every once in a while. But then I saw a few other people publishing Chendy stories, mainly Love-Ly-Ships , I decided to publish this. Now, I just want to go through the people who've supported me on this, and motivated me to keep publishing.


Thank you to all of these people for supporting me. I would never have gotten this far in this story if it wasn't for them.

Thank you everyone, the next chapter will be published on November 12. I hope everyone has enjoyed and I hope everyone loves the rest of the story!

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