God Season Part 2

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She continued crying in my arms for a while. After about 6-7 minutes, she sat up. She wiped her eyes and smiled.

Chelia: "Thanks, I'm good now"

We then heard a knock at the door. Chelia quickly put her arm between me and the door. She grew a fierce look in her eyes. I then heard Carla.

Carla: "Are you alright in there, Child?"

Chelia looked over at me.

Chelia: "I thought you were alone"

Wendy: "Carla~San is here too. But she's fine. She won't do anything"

Chelia: "No, she has to leave now"

That's right, she'll be really aggressive towards others.

I put my hand on top of her's.

Wendy: "Chelia~San, calm down. It's alright"

Chelia looked into my eyes. When she looks at me, she expression softens.

Carla: "Please let me in"

Chelia quickly turned to the door and her face grew fierce again. I tightened my grip on her hand.

Wendy: "Wait here, I'll talk to her"

I was about to get up when Chelia pushed me down to the bed. She got on top of me and held my wrists down. I blushed an intense red.

Chelia: "No! Don't go! I won't let her take you from me!"

I spoke in a quiet and calm voice.

Wendy: "Chelia~San, let me up"

Chelia: "No, I can't. You'll go with her!"


Wendy: "Listen, I won't go anywhere. I'll keep the door closed. I just need to talk to her"

Chelia's expression softened.

Chelia: "Keep the door closed"

Wendy: "I will"

Chelia let me up and I stood up. I walked over to the door.

Wendy: "Carla~San, I'll be home tomorrow. I'm going to stay the night"

Carla: "Are you out of your mind, Child?!"

Wendy: "Carla~San, you have to trust me"

I heard Carla let out a sigh.

Carla: "Alright, I trust you. However, don't do anything more than kissing!"

I looked over to Chelia and blushed. I then turned back.

Wendy: "I-I still don't know what's more than that. A-And we're not kissing!!"

Carla: "Do you need anything?"

Wendy: "No, I'll be fine"

Carla: "Okay, I'll be waiting at home. I'll see you tomorrow"

Wendy: "Bye Carla~San"

I turned back over to Chelia who had a guilty look on her face.

Chelia: "W-Wendy, I'm so sorry"

I walked over to her.

Wendy: "It's okay Chelia~San"

I sat down next to her and took her hand.

Wendy: "You don't have to be sorry"

Chelia: "Thanks Wendy"

Chelia then blushed.

Chelia: "S-Sorry I pinned you to the bed"

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