The Water Park

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We got to the water park and when I first saw it, I could only think one thing.

It's huge!!

I had heard of this water park before but I'd never seen it before. Chelia turned to me and smiled.

Chelia: "You ready?"

I nodded.

Wendy: "Yep"

We walked inside and it looked a lot bigger on the inside. There were a ton of water slides, a few pools, some wave pools, a couple hot tubs, and—

A-A love ride?!

Chelia: "Hey, let's go get changed"

Wendy: "Right"

We found our way to the girl's changing room and went inside. Once we were inside, we realized it was just us. However... there was a problem. It was just one open room. There was no stalls or corners to hide in. I turned to Chelia to see she was thinking the same thing I was.

Wendy: "W-What should we do Chelia~San?"

Chelia: "W-Well... just change while looking in different directions I guess"

I nodded and turned around. I just assumed Chelia was turned around and started to get undressed. I slipped all of my clothes off and stopped for a second. I put my hand on my chest nervously.

W-What if Chelia~San is done already and she's looking at me?!

It took all of my will power not to turn around and find out. I quickly put on my green and white swimsuit and waited. After a few minutes, Chelia finally spoke.

Chelia: "Are you done?"

Wendy: "Yeah"

We turned around and I sighed in relief to see that she was actually turned around. Chelia then smiled.

Chelia: "You look cute Wendy"

I blushed.

Wendy: "T-Thanks, you look good too"

Chelia blushed.

Wendy: "W-Wait! I-I didn't mean it that way!"

Chelia put her hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

Chelia: "I only have two things to say to you Wendy. One, work on your wording. Two, relax. Today is going to be really fun. So let's put all of this aside for a bit and go have some fun"

Wendy: "Yeah, you're right"

Chelia: "Okay, let's go"

We walked out of the changing room and went straight for the wave pool. Now, I couldn't go that far in, with me being 4'11 and all. Chelia on the other hand could go a bit farther in than me.

Chelia: "Come on Wendy"

Wendy: "I-I'll wait here"

Chelia made her way over to me and grabbed my hand.

Chelia: "You've got this. Just hang on and I'll make sure you stay afloat"

I think now is a good time to tell you the wave pool was 8 feet at its deepest point.

Wendy: "Okay"

I held onto her hand as we slowly started to walk forward. We were soon at the point where I couldn't stand. My head was about to go underwater when Chelia pulled me back up.

Chelia: "Are you alright?"

Wendy: "Yeah, thank you"

Chelia: "No problem. We can go back if you want"

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