Chelia's Secret Book

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I woke up the next morning feeling completely refreshed. The warmness of the bed was amazing. I didn't want to get up at all. But then, I realized why I was so warm. Chelia had one of her arms wrapped around me. Her leg was also over my one leg. I was pretty much a body pillow right now.


Chelia was still asleep so I knew she didn't know. But if she woke up and saw this, she would be embarrassed too.

I can move her hand without her waking up, but her leg? I think that'll wake her up.

I decided not to try and move her arm and leg.

Wait, that's it!

I closed my eyes and pretended to still be asleep. I heard Chelia yawn and make a small, quick, quiet gasp. Then felt her arm and leg leave my body.

Thank goodness....

I waited a few minutes before "waking up". I opened my eyes and saw Chelia's blushing face staring right at me.

Chelia: "G-Good morning Wendy"

I smiled.

Wendy: "Good morning Chelia~San. How did you sleep?"

Chelia: "I slept well. But... I had this dream"

Wendy: "What was it about?"

Chelia looked at me and blushed really hard.

Chelia: "N-Nothing! I-I mean... I really don't want to tell anyone"

Wendy: "Okay Chelia~San, you don't have to"

Chelia sat up and stretched her arms. She let out a big yawn.

Chelia: "Hey, Sherry is already at Lamia Scale by now. So we have the house to ourselves"

0-0 Yes, yes we do

Chelia: "Are you hungry? Do you want me to make some breakfast?"

Wendy: "If you're going to make breakfast, I want to help"

Chelia: "Okay, what do you want to make?"

Wendy: "Can we make eggs?"

Chelia: "Sure, let's go down to the kitchen"

We got out of bed and once we were up, Chelia put on a light yellow hoodie. We then left the bedroom. We made our way into the kitchen and Chelia started digging through the cupboards. She came out with a whisk, and a frying pan and set the pan on the stove. She turned the stove on.

Chelia: "Can you get the eggs out of the fridge?"

I nodded and walked over to the fridge. I took out the carton of eggs and brought them to Chelia. She easily and smoothly cracked the eggs to where there were no shells in it.

Chelia: "Do you want to do your eggs?"

Wendy: "Sure"

She handed me the whisk and I started beating the eggs a little. I prefer my eggs scrambled so it was pretty easy to make. Once I was done, I slid the eggs off on the pan and onto a plate.

Chelia: "Okay, I'll make mine and I'll join you at the table. Can you just grab the orange juice from the fridge?"

Wendy: "Sure"

I set my eggs down on the table and went back into the fridge. I pulled the orange juice out and set it on the table. Chelia walked over with her plate of eggs and sat down. I sat down right across from her. We dug into the food and it was pretty good. I grabbed the orange juice and filled my glass up.

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