The New Member Of Lamia Scale

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It has been about a month since our second date, and we've gone on many more since. Chelia and I have grown really close and I feel that our relationship has grown a lot. And if you're wondering.... we're kissing a bit more than usual... D-Don't look at me like that!

I was relaxing in the guild hall by myself. Carla was out doing some errands. Chelia had called earlier and told me to wait in the guild hall. She said she had a surprise.

I wonder what the surprise is?

I then saw Chelia and another girl walk into the guild hall. The girl had long blonde hair and bright yellow eyes. She wore a white and pink hoodie and a white skirt. Her shoes were also white and she had a pink heart hair clip in her hair. She had a big smile on her face that showed nothing but pure happiness. I quickly got up and ran over to Chelia.

Wendy: "Hi Chelia~San"

Chelia: "Hey Wendy. The reason I wanted you to wait here is because Lamia Scale has a new member to the guild. Her name is Nozomi Sumiko"

Wendy: "It's nice to meet you Nozomi"

Nozomi: "It's nice to meet you too— uh... what's your name?"

Chelia: "Her name is Wendy Marvell"

Nozomi then squealed like a fan girl.

Nozomi: "The Wendy Marvell?!"

She took my hand and started shaking it violently.

Nozomi: "This is amazing! I never thought I would be able to meet you in person!"

Wendy: "I'm sorry for asking this, but why are you so happy to meet me?"

Nozomi: "Your battle in the Grand Magic Games was amazing! It was actually the thing that inspired me to join a guild"

Chelia: "Anyways, the guild wanted me to show her around Magnolia and I wanted you to come with"

Wendy: "Sure"

We left the guild hall and we showed Nozomi around Magnolia. She was really hyper the entire time though. First, we went to the cafe me and Chelia went to on our second date. We all got some hot chocolate and some cookies.

Nozomi: "Wow! This is really good!"

Chelia: "This place always has really good cookies"

Next, we went to the park in Magnolia. It was pretty much the same as the Central Park in New York. We ended up relaxing on one of the benches.

Nozomi: "This place is so beautiful. It's nothing like back at home"

Wendy: "Where did you live?"

Nozomi made a sad smile.

Nozomi: "Well... Crocus"

Chelia gasped.

Chelia: "That's where—"

Nozomi: "The Grand Magic Games were held... yeah. That's why I moved here. My house was destroyed and... my parents..."

A tear dripped down her face.

Wendy: "I'm so sorry Nozomi~San"

Nozomi smiled.

Nozomi: "Thanks. But... I've gotten over it. I'm just mad at myself because there was nothing I could do to protect them"

Chelia: "Nozomi, that wasn't your fault"

Nozomi: "I know it wasn't my fault. I saw who did it"

Nozomi's face grew fierce. We stayed silent for the rest the time we were at the park. We eventually finished looking around.

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