My First Job With Chelia

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I've only been to the Lamia Scale guild a few times, but it never ceases to amaze me. It was like Fairy Tail, but without all of the pointless fighting. Chelia and I walked inside and we were greeted by Lyon.

Lyon: "Hello you two"

Chelia: "Hi Lyon"

Lyon: "So, I hear you two went out on a date, how did it go?"

I blushed but Chelia managed to keep a straight face.

Chelia: "It was pretty fun. But I'm going to go look for a job now"

Chelia turned away and started for the request board. I followed after her. The request board was no bigger than the one at the Fairy Tail guild hall but the board itself was in the wall. There were a lot of different fliers that I've never seen before. There was a few for monster hunting, protection mission, and a lot of really specific ones.

Chelia: "Hey, how does this one sound?"

Chelia handed me the flier.

Wind Mages Requested
I'm dealing with some troublesome plants and they are destroying everything around them. They can't be burned with fire or cut with any blade. Only wind magic can cut it down.
Reward: 30,000 Jewel

Wendy: "Sure, it says it requires wind mages. So this will be perfect"

Chelia: "Okay, I'm already packed. Do you want to stop at home so you can get your stuff?"

Wendy: "Yeah. I should probably tell Carla~San I'm leaving too"

Chelia walked over to the bar and handed the flier to the woman working the bar. The woman handed it back and Chelia ran back over to me.

Chelia: "We're all set, let's go"

We left the guild hall and started down the street. We got to my apartment and we walked inside. Once I turned the corner, I saw a very upset Carla.

Carla: "Where have you been?!"

Wendy: "C-Carla~San—"

I was going to speak but Chelia interrupted.

Chelia: "She spent the night at my place. It's not her fault. If you want to blame anyone, blame me"

Carla grew a somewhat satisfied smiled on her face.

Carla: "It's fine then. Just tell me next time"

I nodded.

Carla: "So, where are you two off to?"

Wendy: "We're going on a job"

Carla: "Isn't it against the rules to go on a job with members of another guild?"

Chelia: "Giving them some of the reward is. But taking them with you isn't"

Carla: "Alright, go have fun. But be careful"

I nodded and ran into my room. I grabbed my backpack and filled it up with some food.

Chelia and I walked out the door as I waved goodbye to Carla. We got to the train station so we could get to the town the job was sent from. We got on the train and sat down in the back of the train. While we were still waiting to get there, I saw Chelia was writing in her book about me.

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