A Broken Heart

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I stared at the two of them kissing, trying not to scream.

Chelia~San! What are you doing!!

I fell to the ground and when my knees hit the ground, they crunched the leaves. Chelia and Nozomi quickly turned in my direction. Chelia saw me and grew a scared face.

Chelia: "W-Wendy, I-It's not what it looks like"

My eyes started to tear up. I quickly turned and got up. I then ran in the opposite direction. I then heard Chelia yell behind me.

Chelia: "Wendy! Wait!"

I then started crying as I ran. Tear after tear dripped down my face. I couldn't think. All I could do was keep running and keep crying. I eventually tripped on one of the tree roots sticking out of the ground. I hit the ground but didn't bother getting up. Instead, I just laid there, crying.

Chelia~San.... why.... Why did you do this?!?!?!

I then looked into the sky and let out a huge screaming cry.

Wendy: "Why!!!!!!!"

Half an hour later

I was still on the ground crying. It was now dusk and was getting late. I tried to get up, but fell right back down.

This hurts so much... Why does it hurt so much...?

After about five attempts, I managed to stand. I then started walking. I didn't know where I was going, I just knew I wanted to go somewhere, anywhere.

1 hour later

I finally made my way out of the forest and started for home. It was a long walk through the streets of Magnolia. On the way, I passed a few drunks walking home. One grabbed my shoulder and I just looked up.

Drunk Man: "H-Hey *hiccup* w-wanna come home with me?"

I engulfed my foot in high pressure winds and back kicked the man into the wall. All, with a straight face.

I continued walking home until I eventually got to my apartment. I walked inside and saw Carla sitting on the couch.

Carla: "Where have you been? I've been worried sick"

My expression didn't change. Carla then grew a worried face.

Carla: "Child, are you okay?"

I nodded.

Wendy: "Y-Yeah, I'm fine"

Carla: "Wendy, come on. Please tell me"

My legs then gave out and I fell to the floor. I sat there on the floor with my legs at my sides. I was looking down, not even trying to look up. I needed my arms to hold me off of the floor. I finally couldn't take it anymore. I exploded.

Wendy: "Chelia~San doesn't love me anymore!!"

Carla quickly got up and turned into her human form. She knelt down and hugged me. She rubbed the back of my head and whispered.

Carla: "It's going to be okay Wendy"

I then lost it again and started crying again.

Wendy: "C-Carla~San... I'm sorry"

Carla: "For what?"

I then quickly slipped out of her hug and stood up. I then ran into my bedroom and locked it behind me. I ran over to my bed and until I fell asleep, I cried my heart out.

The next morning

I woke up in my bed, eyes still red from crying.

Was I crying in my sleep?

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