The Truth

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W-What the?!

I continued reading

Nozomi is not who she seems. She doesn't just have the power to physically manipulate things, but also mentally. She put a spell on me that I managed to break free from. Though I'm not sure how long it will be until she puts another one on me. I don't know what kind of spell she's using, but it's really strong. If you're reading this, Wendy, don't worry about me. Only worry about yourself. She can only manipulate one person at a time. So as long as she has me under her control, she can't do anything to you.

Also, if this is really Wendy. If I've done anything to hurt you, I'm so sorry Wendy. Don't forget, no matter what happens, I will always lov—-

The entry ended there.

Did something happen before she could finish writing?

I quickly closed the book and ran towards Nozomi's house.

I have to stop her!

I was now directly in front of her bright green house. It was pretty big considering the size of the houses next to it. It just seemed... so out of place. I walked up to the door and knocked. After a few minutes had passed, no one responded.

They have to be here

I walked around back and on the back of the house, was what looked like a storm shelter in the ground. I tried to open it, but it was locked from the inside and I didn't have the key. I then heard a quiet but very recognizable scream.

Chelia: *Screams*

That's it, I'm going in there

I looked up and saw an open window on the second floor. I used the wind around me to lift me into the air. The wind pushed me up to the window. I crawled inside and saw I was in a bedroom, Nozomi's bedroom. It looked very.... girly? There was almost nothing but pink in there. I then heard Chelia scream again.

Hold on Chelia~San!

I opened the door and heard Chelia scream from downstairs. I ran down the stairs but still didn't see anyone. I went back into Nozomi's bedroom and started digging through her things. I then found a big key on her desk. The key to the basement. I jumped out of the window and used the wind to break my fall. Though, I'm sure anyone around would have seen up my skirt...

I ran over to the basement doors and unlocked them with the key. I opened the cellar doors and heard Chelia scream once more. I quickly ran down into the cellar but couldn't see anything. I held my hand up and created a ball of glowing winds. I then saw everything around me. My eyes opened wide and fear took over.

What the....

There was a bunch of restraining devices and torture machines. Like shackles on the walls.

I'm really scared now

I then heard Chelia scream one last time. I quickly ran in that direction without thinking. As I ran, I immediately thought the worst.

What if Nozomi is torturing Chelia~San?!

I then saw both Nozomi and Chelia. Chelia was bound to the wall with her hands above her head. Her hands were being held up by steel shackles. I then noticed her ankles were also bound. I then saw a... feather? In Nozomi's hand, was a big, white feather. Chelia had her shirt rolled up right passed her belly button.

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