The Grand Finally!

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Today, was a very special day for me. If you want to find out why, keep reading.

It was early noon when I got a call from Chelia.

Chelia: "Hey, I was wondering, do you maybe... want to go on a third date?"

I would have blushed, but since it was over the phone, I felt a lot more calm.

Wendy: "Sure, what time should I come over?"

Chelia: "Whenever you want"

Wendy: "Okay, I'll be there is a little bit"

I hung up the phone and ran into the living room to tell Carla.

Wendy: "Carla~San, I'm going on a third date with Chelia~San!"

Carla actually smiled.

Carla: "That's great Wendy. I hope you two have fun"

Wendy: "Carla~San, are you okay?"

Carla: "Yes I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

Wendy: "You're acting a bit more... calm"

Carla let out a sigh.

Chelia: "You're growing up Wendy. I need to stop treating you like you're an eight year old. You are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. And, I now know how much you truly love Chelia. So, I won't bother you. Go have fun"

I grew a huge smile on my face. I picked Carla up and gave her a big hug.

Wendy: "Thank you so much, Carla~San!"

Carla: "Wendy— you're squeezing— me—"

I quickly let go and Carla gasped for air.

Wendy: "I'm so sorry Carla~San"

Carla: "For the love of god, Child. Just go on your date before you break my ribs"

Carla smiled to let me know she was joking. I quickly grabbed my bag and slipped on my shoes. I opened the front door and ran outside. I decided that if I run all the way to Chelia's house, I'll get there sooner than if I take my time. So, I ran all the way there. Though, I was exhausted after the run, I was full of energy.

I'm so excited!

I knocked on the door but no one answered. I knocked again and again, nothing. I opened the door and walked inside. I took my shoes off and walked up the stairs. I went up to Chelia's room and knocked. I could hear music playing in her room so I doubt she could hear me.

I'm sorry Chelia~San, but I'm coming in

I pushed the door open and I then heard what she was listening to. She was playing "I Kissed A Girl" (By Katy Perry). Now, I'm a really a big fan of this song, but I was trying so hard not to laugh. I then saw Chelia over at her desk. She was holding a picture of me and her at the park. She was singing along to the song as she stared at the picture.

Chelia: "🎵I kissed a girl, and I liked it🎵"

She was staring at me in the picture and singing that song. And I'm not going to lie, it did make me blush.

Should I join in?

I walked into the room without her noticing. She then started to sing again.

Chelia: "🎵I kissed a girl, and I liked it🎵"

I then sang the next line for her.

Wendy: "🎵The taste of her cherry chapstick🎵"

Chelia turned and blushed really hard. She fumbled to turn the music off. When the music was off, she didn't even look up at me.

Why is she embarrassed? Her singing voice is beautiful

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