Karaoke Night

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I woke up in my bed, feeling completely exhausted. I looked over at the clock and saw it was... 6:00am?!

Why did I wake up this early?

I tried to get up but I couldn't. Something was holding me down. I looked to my side and saw Chelia. She had her arms wrapped around my shoulders like I was her body pillow. Y-You may need a bit of background information...

Chelia and I were up late last night, watching movies. Carla was using her bed so Chelia had to share with me. And if I'm being honest... the feeling of being in her arms made me feel really good. I felt warm, comfortable, and protected. I-I should move on now...

I can't get up

I wanted to wake her up, but I didn't want to disturb her sleeping. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. Her hair was not in pigtails, which it always is, so her hair was somewhat covering her face. I managed to reach my hand over to her face and move the hair out of her face. I saw her eyes closed and heard her soft, quick, quiet, really cute breaths. I then heard her mumble in her sleep.

Chelia: "W-Wendy......."

I'm going to scream! She's dreaming about me!

I then heard her mumble again.

Chelia: "D-Don't..... I-I'm really.... t-ticklish there......"

What is she dreaming about?!

I laid in bed next to her until she finally woke up. Around 7:30am. She slowly opened her eyes and quietly yawned.

Wendy: "Good morning Chelia~San"

Chelia: "Good morning Wendy"

She then noticed she was hugging me. She blushed and looked away.

Chelia: "S-Sorry..."

Wendy: "It's okay Chelia~San. I-I'm actually really comfortable..."

Chelia smiled.

Chelia: "Then... do you want to rest in my arms longer?"

I blushed even more but nodded.

Chelia: "Alright, come here"

I scooted closer to Chelia until I could rest my head on her chest. N-Not there! I'm not— No! I had no bad intentions!

I rested my head on her and I could feel the warmness of her body on my cheek.

My heart is racing, but this is really relaxing...

I don't know if it was because of how comfortable I was, or if it was because of how early I woke up, but I managed to fall asleep. When I woke up, I was still in Chelia's arms. However... Chelia's face was right in front of mine. She was also wide awake and was just staring at me.


Chelia blushed and backed her head away.

Chelia: "S-Sorry... y-your breaths were just so relaxing. I-I don't want to sound creepy!"

I giggled.

Wendy: "It's okay Chelia~San. I... may have done the same thing one night..."

Chelia sighed.

Chelia: "Thank god. I'm glad I'm not the only one who did it"

My lips were dry so I licked them real quick. However... something was wrong. I tasted... something else. I then realized what it was.

Why do my lips taste like Chelia's lips?!?!

Chelia turned a red I've never seen before.

Chelia: "Ehe~.... I-I may have...."

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