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It has been 2 months since they went to water park. Krist has become so close to his P'Singto and also he has been developing a good chemistry with P'Pha. He has been so busy with his shooting. Even though he has more scenes with Phana, he still has chance to meet Singto on the shooting spot. Singto never fails to text him at least once a day despite his busy schedule. Krist felt so blessed since everything seems to fall in place nicely. His life started blooming well.

Today is the last cue for Krist. Once this is done he is done for this project. They will be busy with fan meets and promotional events here onwards. Krist is still excited since he could still meet his P'Singto. Right after the shoot everyone decided to have celebratory dinner at a sushi restaurant. Currently Krist is sitting beside P'Pha and his P'Singto is sitting behind him with P'Nat. Noticing a murderous look on his P, Krist decided to text him and entertain the elder. He have no idea why his P despise P'Pha. He have to solve it once and for all before they have their promotional events.

To: Singtuan
Tuan! 😊

[yes Krist started calling his P as Singtuan. And guess what our Singto is head over heels for it. But of course he didn't show it to his turtle]

Krist was waiting patiently for a reply from the elder but he got none. He try to turn behind to check what his P was doing and guess his P was busy playing games but can't reply his text. Where he decided to drop another text.

To: Singtuan
SINGTUAN!! Reply me!! 😤

Guess what? His tuan decided not to reply again. This made Krist really angry and his cheeks were turned pink. What Krist didn't notice was there were two pair of eyes currently eyeing Krist without blinking. One is his Tuan looking at him with eyes full of jealousy and Phana who was enjoying the pink blush that he's been showcasing. Without thinking twice Phana pinched Krist cheeks which made it more red. Krist was taken aback when someone gripped Phana's hand so tightly.

"Do not touch him again. This is a warning!" His P'Singto was giving death glare to Phana while still holding his hand.

"It's ok P'Sing. I'm fine." Krist tried to pull Singto's hand away from Phana. Singto followed obediently and get back to his seat. Now Phana was fuming with anger.

Phana's POV

You'll never have a chance Singto. No matter how hard you try you'll never get him. Just because he texts you doesn't mean he will be yours. I'll make sure you regret what you did to me. Next week everything will be changed. I know you love him but I'll make sure you never find happiness. This time around I'll be number one in something.

I looked at Krist who is obviously stressed about this. I tried to play the nice guy again.

"I'm sorry Kit. I didn't mean to hurt you. You just look cute whenever you blush and unknowingly I pinched your cheek. I'm really sorry for being inconsiderate" I faked an apology and gave Krist my pleading face.

"It's alright P'Pha I'm fine nothing for you to worry about. I was just shocked that's all nothing much" Krist gave me a smile showing off his dimple.

I can't wait to get my hands on that dimple. As much as I want to taste him, I have to wait for the right moment to strike. Even though Krist is kind of close to me because of work, I know that he have feelings for Singto. I also know they are very close since there was a day where Krist left his phone in my car while I dropped him and I took the chance to read all the texts that they been sharing.

Obviously they both like each other. Heck! Krist even named him Singtuan.

Why can't you call me Tuan Kit? I've been so nice to you. I even stopped flirting and sleeping around since I met you. Why you didn't send me any sweet messages. How come he deserves your good night texts and not me. Don't worry Kit I'll make you mine soon enough. 

Once and for all I'll make you mine. Now let me just indulge myself in something before I try to kill Singto and take you here and now.

Krist's POV

This Singtuan couldn't reply my texts but acting fast when P'Pha touch me. Jealous much Tuan? Why don't you just have me the attention instead of picking fight with P'Pha. I'm so tired of him behaving like a child. I'm yearning for good attention while he just go around and do everything he pleases.

We have reached the restaurant, once P'Pha get out I straight away got down too without waiting or looking back at P'Sing. I'm sulking with him. Serves him right for not texting me back.

Once we entered the restaurant I straight away went to the man's room since I had to relieve my pent up stress and also freshen up a bit. Even though I'm sulking I have to look cute while being at it. I giggled looking at myself in the mirror and tried to fix the hair that's sticking out.

"You look beautiful without trying baby!" I rolled my eyes because I know very well whom that voice belong to.

"I'm a guy and I'm handsome not beautiful and I'm angry with you," P'Sing was giggling and came near to me. My heart starts beating fast.

"You are beautiful because you are my angel and I can explain why I didn't reply your text," too close I can literally feel his breath near my ears. For sure they are dark red by now.

"Say now angel will you give me a privilege of bringing you on date this weekend?" I was a blushing mess and I nodded. Well of course he can bring me anywhere. I'll even follow him to hell!

P'Sing placed a peck on my cheeks and left the restroom. Now am standing here holding the sink trying to balance myself to stand and breath. I can feel that this guy is the death of me.

Wait!! Did Singtuan just called me and angel and asked me out on a date!!!!


Sorry for updating so late. I just couldn't bring myself to write. I keep on putting myself down and convincing myself that I'm not good in writing. And I know it's kind of boring. I'll try my best to be better. 🥺

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