Everything's fine

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6 months later

Krist was doing better. He finished a lot of his new projects. He was a rising star right now. With a loyal fan following and thousand of people supporting him. Singto was busy as usual. Still putting in all his effort into working, studying and taking good care of his boyfriend. He was cherishing Krist as if he is exotic treasure passed to him.

Today Singto, Krist, Off and Gun decided to get some food in the mall. It was their off day and they wanted to spend it together since they don't get to do it much often. They entered a newly opened cafe ordered and were sitting together at a table. Krist kept looking at all the bags Gun had filled with things for Krist, he let out a long sigh.

"Gun... you didn't need to buy me all this stuff."

"I know."

The best friend  stated shoving his noodles in his mouth, he pointed his chopsticks at Krist, "I wanted to."

Krist smiled, "thank you though," he then turned to Singto who was sitting next to him, "and thank you for buying me lunch P'Sing."

"You're welcome baby," he smiled back, "so is this everything? Are we gonna go somewhere else after this or home?" He questioned both the males.

Krist quickly said home at the same time Gun said that they should shop more.There was a small and non-heated argument, both wanting the other thing. Gun whined about wanting to buy his best friend more and Krist whined saying that he had a lot and Gun didn't need to spend anything else on him. Off and Singto was enjoying the scene without voicing out.

Even if they were playfully arguing Krist felt relaxed with his friends, he wasn't worried about anything and he forgot about most of the fears always running through his head. As it turns out though, the universe didn't want the young male to be relaxed.

In the middle of their argument, a tall man walked up to the four men. He was well built, probably in his early thirties, no facial hair but you could tell he hadn't shaved this morning. As he walked up he had this disgusting grin on his face, evil intentions running through his head.

Once he was at their table, the small argument stopped and all three of them looked up at the tall male. Singto rose an eyebrow at the presence, he was enjoying the little quarrel between the younger.

"What the fuck are you doing here Mike?" He questioned.

The male's eyes glanced to the Singto and Off before locking with the slightly shaking brunette next to the said male.

Krist was scared, one thing he hated at this moment was the fact that everything he tried to forget during the past six months was pouring down like fresh memories right now. He could remember every detail of the violation that broke him. And at this moment he was having terrible flashbacks.

He remembered crying, the pain of the ropes around his wrists, the feeling of being torn apart.

Off, Gun and Singto had caught onto the shaking their beloved friend was doing. Anger ran through three of them at the man's words.

"Long time no see, huh Kit?" His gross smirk and deep terrifying voice made Krist look down at his food and whimper, he was paralyzed with fear at the moment.

Singto was seconds away from punching the man, Off on the same boat but he was able to hold back. He glared harshly at the man.

"I think it'd be best you leave now, and refrained from ever talking to my friend again."

He spoke darkly, warning the man before them.The man scoffed, the same gross smirk plastered to his face.

He crossed his arms over his chest and glared back at Off, "friend? That's news, I thought this slut belonged to me."

Tears found their way down Krist's cheeks, his breathing started to pick up. He was hyperventilating.

Singto let out an inhuman growl, "the fuck did you say?"

He slowly stood from his chair turning to fully face the man, Krist in between both of them crying in his seat not making a sound. The man ignored Singto completely unfazed by Singto's smaller frame.

He looked back to Krist, "did he pleasure you fine? Hmm, slut?"

This time Krist visibly flinched at the word.

"Don't ignore me, I bet these three guys are taking their tur-"

Before he could finish his sentence he was knocked to the ground by a fist. Gun's to be exact.

"As he said, I think its time you leave now." He was pointing at Off.

Now, most of the mall was looking at them. Krist was shaking harshly, though Singto was fuming he noticed the aggressiveness of the shaking.

He lowered himself so he was kneeling next to Krist, "baby it's okay I'm right here you're safe."

"P-P-Sing... i-i ca-ant... bu-br.." he was gasping for air, he was clutching tightly onto his lose pants.

Singto took one of his hands into his own, gently he placed a hand on the younger's cheek. He turned Krist's head so he was staring into his eyes, his heart broke at the sight of Krist's tear-stained cheeks.

"Hey, just look at me okay. Breath in... and out... it's okay you're safe. I won't let anything happen to you, okay. Trust me baby!"

He spoke softly, his eyes watching Krist carefully. Slowly Krist's breath came back to him, he never looked away from Singto and his hand held onto the older's hand for dear life.

"C-can w-we go?"

"Of course baby."

Singto helped Krist to stand up, he wrapped an arm around Krist's shoulder and he held him close. Gun was talking to the mall security at the moment explaining.

"P'Off please take Krist and Gun to the car, I'll talk to them."

Off turned and nodded going to help Krist to his side. But the brunette only held onto Singto's shirt tight mumbling.

"Not leaving Singtuan," over and over.

Both males sighed, they ended up getting the security over to Krist and Singto. Singto explained what had happened and the situation they were in. The security confined Mike and called Police to come to pick him up to send him off to jail.

After they were all done talking Singto still holding Krist gently. Off and Gun was with them, walking next to them both. Off was trying to calm his still fuming boyfriend.

"P'Off could you drive?"

"Yeah, of course."

Off nodded taking the keys from the younger. Singto helped Krist into the back seat, he buckled him in and climbed in. As soon as he was buckled in also Krist latched himself back onto the older. Off got into the front and started the vehicle after getting Gun buckled in his seat.

There was pin drop silence in the car all throughout the ride. Krist was holding onto Singto as his life depended on it. He closed his eyes tightly his heart was still pounding, but with Singto's arms wrapped around him, he felt safe. He knew Singto's words were true and that the older wouldn't let anything happen to him.

He believed that everything will be fine.

I'm really not sure where am going with this story. I just hope I could wrap it up nicely. 🥺

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