Corrupted Fusion

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Sunlight shone through Steven's window, directly on his eyes. Reluctantly waking up, he shut his eyes tighter and lifted his arm to cover his face.

Sitting up, he stretched and got dressed for the day; putting on his blue jeans, his dad's old ripped black star shirt and his new pink jacket. His stomach rumbles, and he took it as a sign he needed food. Steven stood up and walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

Whilst eating his cereal, there was a strong knock on the door. He looked over to see a towering orange gem, Jasper.

In shock he exclaimed "Jasper?!" With a mouth full of cereal. Why was she here? Why did she look so remorseful? Did she want help too?

He wiped his mouth as pearl came into he room through the temple, "Steven? Are you--Jasper?!" Pearl exclaimed, with the same shock as Steven.

Steven walked over and opened the door, "Hey, Jasper...what are-What are you doing here?"

"I need help." She bluntly replied, "I know you've been helping gems recently and I don't want to be like this anymore.."

"You mean..." He replied pointing to her new blue horns.

"Yes." Jasper admitted, "I thought maybe since you have healing spit you could help?"

"Uh.." Steven hesitantly asked, recalling the horrid things she said about Amethyst.

"I'm sorry Jasper, but we have to decline." Concluded Pearl, placing her arm over Steven's shoulder.

"Come on Pearl...She needs help..." Insisting Steven, realising that Jasper's still a gem who deserves another chance.

Pearl heavily debated her choices for a moment. Was she planning something? Why did she come here now? Did she really just want help? "Hm...Well I suppose.."

"Thank you Pearl.." Thanked Jasper, as Steven licked his hand.

"Oh uh, this is gonna be weird.." Warned Steven, Jasper got down to his level as he raised his hand. He placed his licked hand onto Jaspers gem.

He removed his hand and looked at her, nothing happened, "Oh no...I'm sorry"

"It's okay Steven, thank you for trying..." Jasper responded, she stood up to her full height, she looked at Pearl who responded in a judgey look. As Jasper started to walk out, she stopped and turned her head to them, "What about fusion?"

"No! No no! That is not happening! Steven is not fusing with you!" Guarded Pearl, instantly as Garnet and Amethyst came into the room.

"Please hear me out, if we fuse then maybe his healing ability could pass on to me for a while and it could be enough to heal me for good!" Pleaded Jasper, Amethyst marched forward.

"BUT what if YOUR corruption passes onto Steven!" Amethyst disagreed.

"Guys calm down," said Steven, calming them down before they began fighting,"I see where your coming from Jasper but I don't think it works like that...and Amethyst I'm half human, I don't think I can become corrupted." He reassured.

"Please Steven I don't want to be like this anymore!" Pleaded Jasper.

"If Steven wants to fuse with her, it's his choice. But just be Warned," Garnet addresses Jasper, "If you hurt him we won't hesitate to bubble you."

The group turned to Steven, who looks at all of them, before settling on Jasper's sorry face, "It wouldn't hurt to try..."

"Steven are you serious?! You're gonna fuse with HER?!" Erupted Amethyst.

"Are you sure Steven? It could be dangerous.." Worriedly coached Pearl, placing her hand on Amethyst's head to try and calm her down.

"Yeah, I am" Steven replied, determined to help Jasper.

The group all go out side, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl all stood on the balcony to the house as Jasper and Steven both stood onto the sand facing each other.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Last time you fused with Lapis..." Asked Steven, it suddenly dawning on him that Malachite wasn't exactly the best thing to happen.

"I'm sure of this. I want to get better, I don't want to stay like this anymore." Responded Jasper.

"If you're sure." Reassured Steven as his gem started to glow, followed my Japser.

The two started to dance towards one-another, gradually getting closer, being watched closely by the Crystal Gems. The two gems then meet and their forms become one.

As the gem's new fusion came into view, to the gem's horror, the corruption was still there, but pink. The huge gem had 4 arms partnered with 4 eyes, framing Jasper's gem. The fusion had long spikey black hair. It had orange skin and was only as tall as two Garnet's stacked ontop of one another.


The Crystal Gems looked up at the new fusion, Amethyst was the first to speak, "Steven?! Are you okay?!"

"Uh, Yeah, I'm fine, I feel great! This really feels like it's working!" Selenite exclaimed with joy, as she examined her new body.

"Selenite! How much longer do you think you will stay fused?!" Worriedly asked Pearl, lookin up at the gems.

"Umm...I don't know, when would be a good time to--!!" Began Selenite before her face began to stretch apart and Jasper and Steven where thrown in opposite directions.

Steven stayed laying down facing towards the sea, gripping his forehead. Jasper stood up and felt her forehead as the Crystal Gems ran to Steven.

"It didn't work..." Jasper said in a disappointed tone.

"Steven! Steven are you okay?!" Worriedly questioned Pearl in a motherly tone.

Steven turned his head to the ground, his hand still on the side of his forehead, shielding his face from them, "Yeah...Yeah I'm fine, don't worry, I just...I need to lay down and eat something..." He starts to get up, keeping his face away from the Gems, he quickly walked up to the house and closed the door.

The Crystal Gems all turned to Jasper, ready to bubble her.

"In my defence, I didn't know that would affect him as much as it did..?" Defended Jasper, holding her hands up.

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