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Steven hurridly headed into the bathroom, his head killing. He locked the door and walked to the mirror and looked at himself and the lumps he felt on his forehead.

He saw two silver horns with dark pink sploches on his skin underneath. He starred at his mini horns, Amethyst was right, Jasper had passed on her corruption.

Steven ran the tap, he splashed water in his face and looked at himself once more. A sudden wave of sickness passed over him, causing him to stumble back onto the wall. He slipped down on to the floor and placed his hands on his forehead.

"What am I gonna do?..." He muttered to himself in despair. He stayed on the floor until he heard the front door open and the Crystal Gem's worried voices yelling his name.

"Hey Stee-Man you in there?!" Called Amethyst knocking on the bathroom door.

Steven flinched back towards the bath when she yelled, he didn't know what to do. He didn't respond but he knew that it was obvious he was in there, he locked the door.

"Steven? You okay?" Amethyst continued in a caring tone.

"Uh, Yeah! I'm fine.." He replied almost unwillingly.

"Are you sure?" Joined Pearl, he assumed Garnet was there too.

"Yeah I'll be out in a sec, I'm pretty tired though! I'm gonna go back to bed.." Steven reassured, standing up.

He stayed in the bathroom for the next 5 minutes, before building up the courage to go out. He opened the door and peered out, he say Amethyst eating some CHAAAPS with Pearl and Garnet hanging around the counter.

He quickly walked towards the stairs looking down with his hand on his forehead. Just as he reaches the stairs however -

"Steven! Are you okay?!" Pearl rushes toward him, as Steven pulls his bushy hair over his tiny horns.

"Yeah I'm fine." He responded keeping his head low, "Really tired though.."

"It's 11:00 in the morning" questioned Amethyst.

"Yeah, uh that fusion really took it outta me.." Steven lied.

"Why is your hair like that Steven?" Asked Garnet, crossing her arms.

"Oh ya know just uh, yeah uh, I'm gonna go to bed now" Steven quickly dashed to his bed, covering his entire body with his blanket.

Steven woke up again, he had been hiding his corruption for about 2 weeks now, it was getting worse, his nails had grown at an alarming rate and his teeth had started to sharpen. To make it worse, more teeth had been growing out of his mouth, piercing his skin. Everyday he would have unbearable headaches, the gems have been worried sick about him, the bearly see him, he's either in his bed or not inside at all.

"Steven?" Came Connie's familiar voice walking up the stairs. He had been avoiding training ever since his fusion with Jasper, Connie sat on his bed, with the gems silently watching the conversation without Steven's knowledge, "Steven? Are you up for training today? It won't be much, just practicing what we already know?..." She hopelessly tried to persuade.

"Sorry Connie, not today, my stomach's acting up again.." He argued quietly, he wasn't lying however, his gem had been starting to hurt him more and more recently.

"Again? Maybe you should see a doctor.." She worriedly advised.

"I'll be fine Connie.." Steven instantly said.

"Steven, if there's anything wrong..." Connie began.

"There's nothing w-wrong with me.." He stuttered as a sharp pain over flowed his head and back.

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