Finally over.

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The group all ran towards White Diamond's room, the walls repeating each step quietly after them. A few times Steven stumbled and fell to the ground, for half the run, Connie steadied her corrupt jam bud.

Eventually they all stood behind a large, white Crystal door, it loomed above them. Steven muttered thanks to Connie as he stood on his own and Pearl typed in the code to open the door.

White Diamond looked down on the group, the Pearl from the garden next to her with a blank stare. The Gems scowled at the sight of them but before any of them could react Steven walked forward.

"White, I'm here to talk." He strongly called up to her, showing no hostility towards the tall gem in front of him.

"Why, Starlight! You look...tired." White Diamond grimiced at the sight of the Corrupted hybrid before her, triggering Amethyst.

Massively stopping Amethyst from erupting, Steven brushed off White's look and continued, "Listen to me White. I. Am. Not. Pink."

A long, awkward, heavy silence lay on the two Diamonds. The rest of the room faded away, and White's ego buckled under the weight of his words. She couldn't be gone though. Diamonds are the toughest mineral known...And she wasn't shattered! That was all a ruse! No she just....She just...

White chuckled nervously, "What are you talking about? Her...Your gem is right there! In your navel! Stop making those silly jokes Pink!"

" name is Steven Quartz Cutie pie Dameyo Dimond Universe! And in all of those middle names, not one of them is 'Pink'." Steven's mood was rapidly changing, getting angrier at White's stubbornness. Calming himself, he continued, "White, the truth is. You don't like change. But it is inevitable. Take these past few days for example!"

"Yeah this all happened pretty fast..." Amethyst whispered to Connie.

"Its like, almost as fast as Romeo and Juliet's marriage..." Connie whispered back.

"I never thought that this could ever happen to me!" Steven continued, looking at his four hands, "But...the best thing to do is not to fight against it, telling yourself that life 5000 years ago is the only life you ever wanted. No, the best thing to do is take change by the wrist and force it to your advantage! It's not easy White. But you have Blue and Yellow to help you! And if you still feel like you need to rule others or give others a purpose, there are still plenty of gems who are scared of having nothing to do, gems like Jasper. She needs a purpose, and without someone like you to help her, she'll just get worse!"

White remained silent, everything he said was true to her. It hurt her pride to admit. But..."Steven...I'm afraid that I've made thing incredibly worse haven't I?..." She sighed.

"You can help fix things though!" Steven smiled up at her, as she smiled sadly back.

"You can start by giving Rose's fountain" Garnet suggested with a smile.


The next few months where...interesting. White fixed the fountain and Steven was, almost completely healed. Apart from his animal like legs and tiny horns on his forehead, he was normal again.

Little Homeworld now had linked warp pad to White, of any gems needed mental help or felt in need of a purpose.

Of course, Jasper lived back on Homeworld but Every now and them came to visit, her and Garnet soon became better friends as every time Jasper came to earth, they spared on the beach.

Everyone was happy.

And no one needed help anymore.

The universe was peaceful at last.

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