White Diamond

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The green orb surrounded Steven and his terrifying captors. The Jasper kept a tight, painful grip on Steven's arm, causing a stinging sensation which irritated him. His vision was still blurry, meaning he could only see vague shapes and colours around him and his hearing was muffled, the only sound which surrounded him was the buzz of the escape pod which carried the group through the air.

He felt the pod phase through the thick wall of White Diamond's Head Ship. The half gem felt the air become heavy with dread and worry, as unpleasant memories of his encounters with White Diamond all those years ago came flooding back. Instinctively he gripped his black shirt, just above his gem, as of he was trying to hold what was left of Rose.

The passion and excitement in the Agate's eyes glimmered brightly as the pod landed. She quickly fixed her hair and snapped her heels together, fixing her posture, whereas the Jasper remained stagnant.

As the pod opened, the pure bright light emitting from White Diamond's body blinded Steven, as he was tugged harshly forward. White Diamond stood tall, and proud with a brilliant smile framed by pitch-black lipstick, her arms stretched out widely, making her frame even larger.

"Why Starlight, aren't you a sight for sore eyes..." Stated the huge monster of a Gem, her eyes fixated on Steven's corrupted body.

A chill was sent down the young gems body, he stuttered back a few steps before being thrown onto his stomach by the stoick Jasper. Steven placed all his hands of the ground and hoisted his torso up to view White Diamond's threateningly warm smile.

"It certainly has been a while since you've been on Homeworld." Began White, " Since you set up that mini homeworld and taken away all the Off Colours, the REAL Homeworld has never been better! As you can see," White looked down at the Agate, which prepels her to jolt up to her tiptoes, "The most recent Gems are far supireor. Stronger, more resilient, and perfect. The Gems in Mini Homeworld are nothing more than defects, which you love to surround yourself in."

These words terrified Steven more than he could bare, it was something about her, something different that sparked terror in him. He didn't know what was happening to him, was it because of that time? Or something else entirely?

"Ah! My Diamond, if I may, speaking of the gems on Earth!" The Agate spoke up, not taking her eyes away from White Diamond, "I have took it upon myself to capture the rebels who started his whole mess!"

White Diamond's smile quickly twisted into an angry glare. The Agate flinched at her idol's expression and gulped loudly.

"I only asked for My Starlight. How dare you bring me unwanted Off Colours." She snapped, leaving a distinct rining in Steven's ears, "You disappoint me."

The Agate's eyes widened in despair, her posture remind upright in shock, however, her body shook uncontrollably. She looked up at White's Disapointed face. In an instant, a bright White light shot directly at the Agate's gem, discolouring it and forcing her to yell out in pain. The Agate fell to the ground unconscious, the light still on her gem. White shockwaves then proceeded to surround the Agate's body and poofed her. The grey gem lay on floor, before cracking and splitting in two.

Steven's eyes widened in horror, to think, White shattered her most loyal subject just like that. He felt himself become short of breath very quickly. Stumbling back even more, his body wouldn't let him look away to the shards on the floor, even as White Diamond spoke.

"Well, now onto more pressing matters. You, Jasper, go and send the ship those rebellious Off Colours are boarded on away. Pink will be back soon" White ordered, to which the Jasper let go of Steven, who was still staring at the broken gem as if he was paralysed, and walked to the edge of the room and before being swallowed by the green orb which they came in on and leaving.

White Diamond smiled, her usual sickeningly happy grin, "Starlight, look at me," White lowered herself down to the ground and placed a large finger on Steven's corrupt face, turning him to face White's smile. She continued, "Starlight, I know you can't remember your time here very Well, but I know how to make you remember! And I can help you become your perfect self again! Like how you should be." She raised herself up once more, maintaining eye contact, "Okay, Starlight, look into my eyes.."

White Diamond's eyes lit up, sending bright light beams directly into Steven's eyes, before spreading to his whole body. He let out a scream of pain, as the mutations and corruptions shrunk back into his body, and the dark purple spots covering his skin disappeared. He placed his hands over his eyes and fell to his knees.

"Steven!" The voices of the Crystal Gems accompanied his agonising screams, as they slide through they eye of White Diamond's ship, like they did many years ago. Connie immediately rushed over to him, going to place a hand on his back, however, as her skin made contact with the white aura encompassing her Jam Bud she was shocked, forcing her hand away.

"I won't let you interfere with this again!" White yelled.

Steven's screams quickly halted, as he collapsed, like a corpse, to the ground.

"Steven!" Yelled out the Gems, greeting Connie as his side. White Diamond laughed.

"You pesky off colours won't be able to ruin him again!" White Diamond chuckled.

"Why! Dude, you where, like, SUPER nice to him last time we saw you! You took in Spinel!" Amethyst called out angrily confused.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand. My empire was once perfect before Yellow and Blue gave her her first colony. And that defective Pearl placed all those silly ideas in her head! She should rebel! She should become and off colour! She should over throw the diamonds!" White blamed, shocking Pearl to her core, causing her to shake, "The rest of you insufferable Gems only made it worse. Homeworld had never been so humiliated when Pink returned in this form! However, I cannot change her organic mask, but her gem is still in her, so I am returning her memories of her time as Pink Diamond and destroying her memories of Rose!"

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