The Garden

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Spinel lead Steven and his new Pearl through the garden, trying her best to stall for time.

"This place looks a bit worse for wear.." Steven commented, looking at the overgrown, floating pillars and broken communicator.

"We can have that fixed for you, My Diamond" The Pearl quickly responded.

The three walked around for a few moments, exploring the over grown nature of the floating, isolated place.

The sound of the Warp Pad activating interrupted their walk. All three of them turned to the Crystal pedistool, seeing Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl and Connie. In an instant, Amethyst summoned her whip and wrapped it around the Pearl, tightening her grip and poofing her.

Spinel smiled in relief as Steven stumbled back. The Gems and Connie all ran up to the gem on the floor, and Garnet bubbled her.

"Great idea Spinnel" Garnet credited, before the whole group looked at the petrified Steven.

"W-Why did you do that?..." He stuttered quietly, the luminous pink on his face beginning to encompass the rest of his cheeks.

Connie was the first to step forward, scaring Steven further as his eyes flourished white; giving him a ludicrous headache. She stayed a few feet away, locking eyes with him and giving him a comforting look.

"Hi, Pink" She began, using Pink's name instead of his own, which shocked the gems slightly, "Listen, I know you're frightened but please," She held out a hand, "You have to trust me. You can't remember but we're your family...we wont hurt you."

Steven looked at her hand, his head going fuzzy from the pain. He gripped the side of his head, shutting his eyes tight, "I-I want to..." He stuttered, something happening to his appearance, "I want to trust you but I can't...I'm trying but I can't trust you..." His eyes glowed brighter as he staggered back.

Suddenly, Steven felt his body press tightly against someone else. It was warm, comforting...familiar.

The gems looked on in awe as Connie hugged Steven, and a bright pink glow encased both jam buds, as the two fused.

Stevonnie stood tall, looking at herself, her hands, her legs, her form. The gem in her stomach amazed her.

"What? Why do I...? This..." She stammered, "Wait I...ARGH!"

She yelled out in pain gripping her hips, and forehead, like she was going to vomit.

"Stevonnie!" The gems all called out, running towards her.

"Guys..." Stevonnie started, loudly muttering between cries of agony, "Amethyst...She was right!..."

Stevonnie split, throwing Steven and Connie to the ground. Connie weakly sat up, surrounded by Pearl and Spinel.

"Stee-man?" Amethyst quietly asked, looking at Steven who was hoisting himself up to his knees.

The dark purple patches on his skin drowned out the Pink glow on his cheeks. Blood streamed from his mouth, flowing around large teeth, which where too big to fit comfortably in his mouth. He covered his mouth as he coughed up more and more blood onto his clawed palm. His large tail lay limp on the ground, framing his, now animal like, legs.

His breathing was heavy, as tears formed in his dark eyes, blood fused with his sad tears. Crying small droplets of blood, his corrupted features shrunk and grew repeatedly.

Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl all rushed to Steven's side, Spinel steadied Connie as they rushed over too.

"He's having a panic attack, give him some space!" Ordered Garnet, keeping a small distance between herself and Steven, the others followed, "Steven, can you hear us?"

Steven's pupils glowed white, he looked worriedly at Garnet. His glossy eyes bleeding more and more, "Garnet's hurts..."

"What are we going to do?!" Cried out Pearl.

"Pearl! You need to calm down too, the best thing for him right now is if we stay calm!" Garnet firmly told Pearl before turning into the agonized Steven on the grassy floor, the flowers around him dying, "Steven, try and take deep breaths! Everything is fine, we're all here"

Steven started to take shakey breaths, his corrupted features slowly shrinking to a much smaller size. After a few moments he was still shaking but much calmer, he stared at himself in the puddle of blood below him and sat up, looking at the rest of the gems and Connie. They all looked back with worried faces.

"How are you feeling?" Said Spinnel, very shocked at his corruption.

"N-Not good..." Quietly muttered Steven, pressing his hands against his head.

A few moments of awkward silence pass. The air was heavy and filled with dread and fear. Steven looked up at the gems and muttered, "What happened this time?.."

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