The Calm Before the Storm.

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The Crystal Gems, apart from Steven, all spun their heads instantly around to view who had just opened the lime green door. Their starry gaze was greeted by the sour glare of the Agate, her feet parted and her arms tucked behind her back.

"What are you doing." Said the Agate through gritted teeth, as more of a statement than a question.

Garnet was the first to react, summoning her Gauntlets, followed by Amethyst with her whip and Pearl with her Spear. Connie glared at the enemy gem and held Steven close to her.

However, before any of the gems could attack, the Agate grouped them all together with her electric flail. She squeezed them tight, enough so they poofed. Connie gasped in fear, as she carelessly through each gem in different cells, bringing out the Lazuli's as she came across them.

Once each gem was poofed and in a cell, the Agate turned to Connie, who was hugging Steven's unconscious body close to her. The gem towered over her and scowled. She reached out a large hand and picked up Connie by the collar of her shirt.

"I don't want to see your pathetic face around me again, until I present you to White Diamond." Warned the large gem, before throwing Connie into the cell next to Ruby. She activated all of the white force fields for each gem's cell, finishing on Steven's before heading back into the Cockpit, the two Lazuli's reforming inside.

The gems all reformed after about half an hour, Connie was about to release the other gems, but was stopped by Saphire.

"No, we don't know when the Agate will come through again" wisely spoke the blue gem.

"True, but check on Steven." Began Pearl, before a quiet groan came from Steven's cell, to which, everyone's head turned.

Steven's eyes slowly fluttered open, his iris' a pure white glow for a moment, before changing back into a pastel pink. He raised up his body to sit down, however, his arms collapsed and dropped him flat on his face.

"Steven!" Called Connie, dashing into his side, helping him up to his knees.

"Connie...What happened? I can't remember what happened...where are we?" Steven questioned, glancing at his surroundings.

"We're on the gems ship, they're taking us to White Diamond.." Connie replied.

The pink gem glanced out to the others, "Are you guys okay?" He spoke, another spark of White electricity appeared around his left arm, painting a pained expression on his face. Connie held him closer before Ruby spoke.

"Yeah we're fine.." The red gem paused, looking concerningly at Steven, "Does...Does that stuff hurt?.."

"What?...No No, I'm fine" Steven lied, holding his arm, obviously hurt.

"Wait..." Connie interrupted, with a concentrated look, "Didn't that Agate say Steven would wake up when we're close to Homeworld?"

Pearl gave her a worried look, "Connie, get back into that cell, the Agate will surely be back soon" Connie immediately lurched back into the cell next to Steven's.

An eary silence rested upon the captured cells, the calm before the storm.

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