Connie's Nightmare.

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Connie opened her eyes to a dark room, pitch black, she couldn't see anything, there wasn't any floor around her, she was floating.

A cold breeze flowed peacefully around her, she felt her body shiver uncontrollably, "Hello?" She called out, but no sound came out of her mouth.

Suddenly, she started to fall, she screamed silently, before a bright light filled her vision. She covered her eyes before she felt her surroundings slow down and come to a halt.

The frightened girl opened her eyes to find herself in an orange and red canyon. The walls bendy and curved, with humanoid shapes carved deeply into them.

"Huh?...Where am I?.." She asked herself before hearing a yell of anguish. She recognised the voice and her stomach dropped, she ran directly towards the yell, her best friend was in pain...she couldn't bare to listen.

"Steven?!" She called, with no voice. She continued to run, following Steven's call for help. It felt like she was running for hours, like Steven wasn't getting any closer.

She yelled his name as loud as she could, finally making sound before the red canyon faded away, being replaced by the shadowy figure of a huge monster. It's white pupils glowing valiantly, glaring at her. It had 4 arms from what she could see, however, what set her into a panic attack was what was on the monster's stomach.

It glowed just as much as it's eyes, the round gem, Steven's gem, covered with pink and purple spots. That monster was Steven.

He let out a blood curdling roar as a blinding light woke Connie up with a start.

It was close to midnight, she had woken up in a cold sweat. Panting rapidly, She knew where Steven was but was that actually Steven? She turned her head to his Ukulele, leaning on her bedside table and composed herself.

Connie stood up as something caught her eye. She yelled slightly in fear as Lion sat in her doorway, his eyes and main emitting a bright white light.

"Oh it's only you Lion, you know don't you?" She asked, not expecting a response. She quickly got dressed and opened the window before hopping onto lion's back, and heading out, to get the gems.

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