The fight

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Lapis and Peridot circled around Steven's head, taunting him and keeping his attention as the others started to form Alexandrite. Steven's jaw started to glow a bright pink colour, he shut his eyes and looked up to the sky, he roared and let out a bright energy beam reaching to the heavens. Peridot and Lapis both started to fall out of the sky. Lapis composed herself and caught Peridot in her arms, the two resumed their distracting position as Alexandrite started to yell.

The fusion and corruption glared at each other. The corruption lifted one huge hand behind it's head and swiped to the ground, missing the fusion and getting it's claws stuck in the ground. Connie brandished her sword and ran up the giant's arm.

Alexandrite spat fire at the corruption, making it roar in return. Connie ran to its shoulder and stabbed into it. The beast let out a roar of pain and went to crush her with its giant hand.

Connie was quickly taken into the air by Lapis, before the corruption could squash her like a bug. Alexandrite leaped forward onto the monster as it ripped it's claw from the ground.

She climbed up to it's face and summoned Sardonyx's hammer and smashed it against the corruption's face, causing it to call out it pain.

"GUYS! It's working!! He's getting smaller!!" Yelled Peridot, who now was back on her lid and floating around.

Alexandrite the hit his face again, causing him to shrink further, She jumped off, summoned Opals weapon and shot an arrow at it, it hit it's shoulder where Connie stabbed it.

The shrinking corruption let out a final roar of anguish before it poofed down into a partially corrupt Steven, falling from a great height. Lion ran into a portal and appeared under him, catching him before travelling to the ground.

Alexandrite unfused and the three gems crowded around the injured passed out Steven. Peridot, Lapis and Connie joined them.

"He needs medical attention" Examined Connie, "I can take him to my mom, she'll see him. We'll meet you guys at my house, you should tell Mr Universe about this too..." she advised while getting onto Lion, securing Steven next to her.

The gems all silently agreed as Lion travelled through a portal to Connie's house.

They arrived inside Connie's living room, where Mr and Mrs Mahechwaren where reading the newspaper and drinking tea.

Mrs Mahechwaren stood up, now covered in tea, "Young Lady! What have we talked about teleporting inside the house?!" She yelled, enraged.

"Mom! Mom you have to help Steven, he....he's really hurt!" Connie pleaded, getting off Lion and dragging Steven off him.

Mrs Mahechwaren gasped and   strides towards the kitchen for her personal first aid kit, "Lay him down, on the sofa, quickly!" She ordered Connie who quickly complied.

Mrs Mahechwaren politely pushed Connie out of the was and started to treat Steven's wounds. Connie watched worriedly accompanied by her father.

Moments later, there was an impatient knocking at the door. Connie immediately answered it, knowing it was the gems.

She opened the door, "Where is he?! Is he okay?! Show him to me!" Yelled a worried Pearl in an extremely worried tone, Garnet and Amethyst both emitted the same sense of worry.

Pearl locked sights with the unconscious Steven, laying on Connie's sofa, being treated my Mrs Mahechwaren. She pushed towards him and tried to reach out to him, Mrs Mahechwaren slapped her hand away.

"How dare you! I am his mo-- caretaker!" Stuttered the offended Pearl.

"You shouldn't touch a patient while a doctor is testing them." Sternly responded Mrs Mahechwaren.

"But--" began Pearl before Garnet stopped her.

"We are all worried. This is what's best for Steven now." Garnet preached coldly.

Pearl reluctantly agreed and all the group watched the doctor perform. She wrapped him up with bandages and then turned to the gems. "Now would you mind explaining how he got in such a state?! He has four arms! And a tail! And horns!"

The group all avoided eye contact, with a shared guilty look. No one wanted to admit what happened to him.

"Uh um..." Stuttered Connie before Greg burst through the door.

"Where's my son?!"

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