The ship

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"STEVEN!" Connie cried out, as her Jam Bud collapsed to the ground, his body limp and sparking with white electricity. The floating ball of water spilled onto the ground, and over Steven as the Lapis let her hand fall to her side again. 

Connie's cry echoed throughout the canyon walls, alerting the gems. Amethyst tightend her grip on her whip, which was imobalising the Jasper. Pearl had just sliced off the Peridot's right leg and was aiming spear missiles at her. Garnet pulled on the Agate's flail and all off the Crystal Gems turned their attention to the cave.

The laughs of mockery could be heard from the Lapis Lazuli's, both looking evily at Connie's angry face. She felt rage infused tears swelling up in her eyes as she clenched her fists and charged at one of them. She went to tackle her but instead she face planted the ground as the Lapis moved outside and flew up in the air.

"Connie!" Gasped Pearl before the Peridot sent a green ball of energy at her, poofing Pearl immediately.

"Pearl!" Yelled Garnet before the Agate sumonded a second flail and proofed Garnet.

"Garnet! Pearl! Connie!" Called Amethyst, before she was inevitably proofed aswell by the Peridot.

Connie staggered up, looking fearfully at all four gems laying on the floor. The Jasper went around and collected them all wordlessly and the Agate stood straight up, snapped her heels together and brushed the dirt off her uniform.

"Well, that was irritating. But no point on dwelling on it, Let's take the Corruption back to the lustrious White Diamond. And! With these other rebels with us, she'll be very pleased to shatter them all herself! Come now, Peridot! Board the Corruption onto the ship!" The Agate ordered, slightly fawning over White Diamond.

The realisation that they where going to leave Connie on earth suddenly dawned on her. She couldn't stay here, while her friends where up in immanent danger, she let out her last hope of coming with them, "Wait! Don't you want me too?! I am a part of their team! W-Wouldn't White Diamond be happier if ALL the rebels where there?!" She begged, playing on the Agate's love and loyalty to White Diamond.

"Please," Sarcastically began the flying Lapis, floating down to the other's side, "You expect us to take you-"

"Of course! White Diamond would be most pleased! She would upgrade my status, I could be closer to her.." The Agate dawned once more, whispering the last sentence to herself and arching her back and slightly raising her leg as she blushed.

After a moment, she snapped herself back to her strict stance once more. She snapped her head to the Peridot, who was repairing her leg enhancement with a sour expression, "Peridot! Board the Corruption and it's human, make sure to separate them." She turned to the Jasper, "Place all of them in different areas aswell. And you!" She snapped at Jasper, "You will be accompanying us back!" She clicked her heels together once more and the gems all departured away to complete their orders.

The Peridot came over inbetween Steven and Connie, two of her fingers rose up and aimed at the two. A green aura surrounded them and imobalised them. Effortlessly, they where lifted into the ship and taken to different areas. As where the gems but by the Jasper, the Lapis Lazuli's and Agate all boarded the ship and the familiar rumbling filled the atmosphere once more.  

Connie was placed in a small, cubic cell, blocked from exiting by a White translucent wall. She couldn't see where the Peridot took Steven, but she did see the Jasper place Saphire's gem in a cell not too far away.  She waited hastily for the Peridot and Jasper to walked away before holding out her hand to touch the White forcefeild. 

As her finger tips collided with the strange wall, a tingling sensation covered her arm, like pins and needles. She pulled away quickly, before realising how little it effected her. She held out both hands into the wall and the tingling sensation filled her arms. She chuckled slightly before hearing footsteps coming her way.

She pushed herself to the corner and put of a sad look, as the Lapis Lazuli with the Gem in her arm came around the corner, scowling. She walked over to Connie and glared at her, "I know what you're up to. The Captain doesn't see it but I do! Don't try anything, or else I'll know!" She intimidated before strutting off, confident she scared Connie enough for her to stay put.

Connie stood up once again and peered out, making sure the blue gem was gone. Once the coast was clear, she stool her hands outside again before a bright glow invaded her vision.

She looked over to Saphire's cell to see her gem glowing and the short blue gem in a dark blue dress formed, wearing a silver ring.


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