I know where he is!

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Connie bursts through the door with Lion standing behind her, interuptting the convosation the gems where having before with Peridot and Lapis, "I KNOW WHERE STEVEN IS" She yelled

"What?!" Yelled all the Gems at once, everyone's eyes on the tired but energetic and worried Connie.

"Where?" Called Amethyst.
"How?!" Questioned Peridot.
"That doesn't matter, where is he, Connie?" Silenced Garnet, as the rest of the gems starred at her with expectant worried faces.

"I saw him in a dream, or I think it was him, I...I was in a red canyon with a bunch of human looking holes, I heard him screaming and then...then I say a huge monster with his gem.." Connie hyperventilated.

"Oh no.."Muttered Pearl.

"His corruption is worsening.."Garnet explained to herself.

"Whatever! We know he's in the Beta Kindergarten! Let's go!" Ordered Amethyst, already heading to the Warp Pad.

"She's right, Steven needs help now, Connie, bring Lion, we need him to track down Steven" Said Lapis, joining Amethyst on the Warp Pad, with Peridot.

"Right. Meet you there." She agreed, hoping onto Lion and going through a portal ahead of the gems.

Garnet and Pearl ran to the Warp Pad and the determined group all warped to the Beta Kindergarten, where Connie and Lion where already standing.

Lion was pacing back and forth until the gems warped to them, he then suddenly lead the group ahead, following Steven's sent. All the gems summoned their weapons and Connie drew her sword and they all followed the pink lion forward.

They ran for about an hour before Lion suddenly came to a halt, around the corner Steven was still in his cage.  Lion stopped the gems from going forward, he seemed to be afraid.

"Hey!" Yelled Jasper's threatening voice, the gems all poked their head around the corner to see Jasper looking into Steven's cage, "Listen, to me runt! I'll make life hell for you if you don't eat something, White wants you corrupted but not dead!" She ordered.

"White?..." Whispered Connie, the gems shared her worry as they watched on. They all heard a low growl coming not from lion but from whatever was in the cage.

The sound of claws clinging onto metal filled the canyon, the extremely corrupted Steven had his 4 arms clinging against the metal bars, one arm trying to lash out at Jasper. His face was half covered with dark purple spots, his horns where much bigger, with two more pertudong from under his ears and two large teeth poking through his skin. His back was covered in silver spikes which lead down to his tail. His eyes where black with white circles for pupils.

All of the gems look on in horror of what Steven had become, he didn't look right, he needed help. Connie brandished her sword, the gems readied their weapons and Lion bared his teeth.

"Get back you mistake!" Jasper yelled at him, before summoning her orange helmet, and slamming her head against his own, knocking him back into the cave, his left forehead horn cracked and a steam of blood running down his face.

The gems all decided with no words to attack, Garnet charged forward and punched Jasper directly in the head, as Pearl sent mini missiles at her from above, and Amethyst wrapped her whip around Jasper imobalising her.

Connie, Peridot, Lapis and Lion all ran to Steven. Peridot lifted the middle bar to let them through to his side, it was a small cave, some blood stained sand covered the floor, and the floor was scattered with CHAAAPS bags.

"Steven! Steven are you okay?" Pleaded Connie, putting her hand on his shoulder. He was visibly shaking, one hand on his forehead, the other three hoisting him up on his knees. He didn't reply.

"Steven talk to us.." Comfortingly said Lapis, as Peridot picked up an unopened bag of CHAAAPS.

The angered voice of Jasper could be heard yelling as the battle outside continued. Steven started breathing heavily as he stood up, his pupils shrinking, and a look of fury painted his face.

"Steven?..."Scaredly asked Connie.

Steven staggered out, placing his hand on the metal bars for support. He looked towards the fight, followed by the worried Connie and gems behind him.

His eyes focused on Jasper, as he got angrier and angrier. Connie saw his spikes grow slightly on his back, before he charged at Jasper.

"STEVEN!" Yelled Connie and the gems, causing Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl to direct their attention away from Jasper and towards the angry Hybrid Corruption.

Jasper stood up while the gems where distracted, only to be tackled by the abomination she encouraged. All the gems stagered back, as Steven gripped on to Jasper and her hair. He growled and gripped her gem, as his skin became completely consumed by dark purple, his body became disfigured and grew to an enormous size, his eyes glowed furiously down at Jasper as he stepped on her, proofing her instantly.

"S-Steven...." Connie stuttered, recalling her dream. The giant corruption let out a loud blood curdling roar towards the Sky, before glaring down at the Crystal Gems.

"No... we....we're too late..." hopelessly muttered Pearl, starting to cry again.

"Steven...No..." Muttered the fusion, looking up at him, a tear going down her face.

"NO! We can still help him! We just need to poof him!" Yelled Amethyst, grasping onto any hope of getting Steven back to normal.

"Right...come on gems! We're getting him back!" Ordered Garnet, summoning larger Gauntlets.

"What I you hurt him?!" Called Connie.

"We might have to hurt him to help him...corruption has taken over his mind, He can't go on like this. He's in too much pain..." Explained Pearl, wiping her tears, and summoning a second spear.

"We'll distract him!" Yelled Lapis, as Peridot and herself flew to his head, his eyes instantly drawn to them.

Amethyst walked over to Jasper's gem and bubbled it, sending it to the Temple.

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