Back again.

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Pearl lightly walked up the steps to Steven's bed, where he and Connie lay, their hands touching. The tall gem stood and watched for a moment, taking in the peace and sirinity before begrudgingly shaking both of the dreamer's shoulders slightly.

"Steven, Connie, time to wake up" She said, straightening her back. Connie opened her eyes first, she sat up and yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, Pearl." Connie greeted, staying next to Steven, who awoke soon after.

Lifting his heavy eyelids to reveal his blackend eyes, he stretched and looked at Connie and Pearl, "Morning" He uttered before yawning.

The three walked down the steps, where Amethyst was eating raw eggs, "Amethyst!" Pearl angrily exclaimed, rushing over to steal away the eggs. The newly awoken friends chuckled and sat down on the sofa, while the Temple door opened, revealing Garnet.

Pearl and Amethyst got noticeably quieter, and the atmosphere plummeted. A tight knot appeared in Steven's stomach, he sensed something bad was about to happen. Connie realised too, she shot worried glances towards everyone's faces.

"Steven, we have a plan to find White Diamond." Garnet began confidently, before adding, "But you're not going to like it."

Steven gulped and gripped his shirt, "What is it?" He muttered.

There was an awkward silence before anyone spoke.

"Garnet figured out that White Diamond is coming to the Beta Kindergarten in the next few days, but only if Jasper tells her you are there..." Pearl calmly explained, Steven's heart nearly leapt out of his throat.

"S-So what? We all go wait? We uh..just..." Steven stuttered, theorizing anything else than what they where implying.

"Steven," Amethyst walked over to him and sat next to him, "You're gonna have to stay in that cave for a couple of days, but it won't be like when you where with Jasper, we'll be there the whole time and we'll get you food and stuff. Garnet is going to make a deal with Jasper to get her to help...Bro, I know it's alot to ask, but this is to help you..." The purple gem placed her hand on his shoulder.

He simply looked at her with fear in his corrupted eyes, he remembered his initial corruption and how much it terrified him. He felt tears form under his eyes, as he looked away, and to the ground. A long moment of silence filled the room.

"You promise you all will be there?" He uttered, looking up at Pearl, who smiled a comforting smile.

"We promise." She reassured.

Steven sighed and stood up, clenching his fists, "Alright, let's go.."

"How about you take your ukulele? I'll take my violin and if you ever need to calm down, we'll play together" Sugested Connie, with a warm smile.

Steven smiled slightly in return, before Lion walked up to him, placing his muzzle on to the yellow star on Steven's shirt. Steven let out a chuckle and stroked his main.

"Garnet..." Pearl implide, as Garnet walked into the Temple to bargain with the stubborn Jasper. Steven took this opportunity to get his ukulele from his room, and Connie went on lion to get her Violin and come back in an instant. The two sat down and turned their instruments together.

"Jasper, I've brought you back to ask for your help." Explained to a now confused Jasper.

"My help? Why would I help you? You bubbled me, TWICE" The orange gem angrily responded.

Garnet didn't give her a reaction, " All we want is for you to give White Diamond your report, saying you have Steven."

Jasper pondered for a moment, "What's in it for me?" She folds her arms and looks down at Garnet, her chin raised.

"We won't bother you anymore and there's the chance White Diamond will help you with your corruption" Garnet offered, "If you don't, you'll stay in your bubble."

The two gems locked eyes, Jasper weighing her chances, Garnet seeing the end of this meeting. After a while, Jasper spoke, "Alright, but this is the last time you'll talk to me, once I'm healed I plan on staying in Homeworld."

"Sounds good to me." Garnet responded with a smirk, before leading her back to the others.

The room was silent, an eary sense of fear emitted from Steven, who had been quietly strumming the ukulele strings repeatedly. As Garnet entered the room, everyone turned to her, who was followed by a sour looking Jasper. Once Steven's and her eyes met, he immediately looked away.

"Lets get this over with" He muttered to himself.

Steven and Connie rode on Lion, being followed by the Crystal Gems and Jasper in silence. The pink beast sniffed the air and followed Steven's first route there.

Steven could feel his heart beat faster as they approached his new home for a few days. He held on tightly to Lion's soft main, who didn't appreciate it. He sweated bullets and his heart almost leapt out of his throat as they turned the last corner.

Connie stepped off Lion's back, leaving Steven staring intensely at the cave. He spaced out until Connie held his hand. She gave him a warm smile, which melted some of his nerves, and he stepped off Lion too.

"Its aright Steven, we will be right here" Amethyst reassured.

Steven stayed stagnant for a moment while Jasper walked to get another metal piece to replace the old one. He let out a sigh before walking through the damaged metal pieces into the cave, "At least there's some left over chaps.." He joked before Jasper slammed the final metal piece into the ground unexpectedly, which made Steven jump back.

Steven slumped against the wall, and picked up an unopened packet of CHAAAPS. He ripped open the bag and started eating, as the others sat and stood around the outside.

Jasper then placed her hand on her gem and a small, white glowing triangle appeared, "As soon as I activate this, a direct message will be sent to White Diamond. So be quiet." She ordered, before pressing a side of the triangle.

It floated higher up before glowing yellow, blue, pink then back to white, it flipped upside-down and floated to eye level with Jasper, "Jasper, cut G-22, facet 4. Progress on the Corruption is completed to your standards, My Diamond. I await your arrival." She pressed the triangle again and it floated back into her Gem.

"Now we wait" Garnet announced calmly, looking at Steven.

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