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The hybrid was laying on Connie's sofa, covered in an old blanket, sleeping somewhat peacefully. Greg had also stayed the night, just incase Steven started to act up again, he seemed to be the only one who could calm him down. Connie came down the stairs to check on her Jam Bud.

"Mr Universe? Are you awake?" She shook Greg's arm gently, waking him up from his sleep.

"Oh yeah kiddo, I'm up...what's wrong?" Greg yawned, glancing at his sleeping son.

"You're the manager of Sadie Killer and the Suspects right?" She whispered hopefully.

"Yeah, why? You want a backstage experience?" Greg joked quietly.

Connie chuckled, "No no, I thought you could put on a concert? Music has been a big part of Steven's life, maybe it could help him remember?"

Greg pondered for a moment, "It was at a concert where me and Steven fused." He recalled his song as Steg Multiverse, "And he's close friends with the band, yeah, that could work!" He raised his voice slightly before being shushed by Connie, as she tilted her head to Steven.

Connie went to the kitchen and started to make a cup of tea for Steven and Greg. She brought the two cups through and gave one to Greg and placed one on the table next to Steven's head on a coaster.

"Aw, thanks Kiddo, you didn't have to" Greg thanked as a knocking noise came to the door, "must be the gems." Greg concluded.

Connie snuck past the sleeping corruption and opened the door. Alas, she was greated be three tall gems.

"Hello!" Greeted Pearl loudly, She was in a much better mood than the last time she was there.

"Shhh!" Hushed Connie, pointing to the sleeping Steven. Pearl immediately turned a shade of blue before they where welcomed into the house.

Pearl and Amethyst both sat in chairs, Garnet leaned against the wall, the room was much less tense than last night, everything was calm, the sun was shining through the blinds, warming up the place.

"So me and Mr Universe have a plan for helping Steven," Explained Connie, "since music is a big part of his life, Mr Universe is going to arrange a concert with Sadie Killer and the Suspects and maybe it could remind Steven of when he played and hung out with them when they first came together.."

"The concert will have to be closer to night time, and the town will be able to go too, we do need money to put on the show." Greg informed with a smile.

"That's perfect, while you set up, we can help him jog his memory until the concert!" Exclaimed Pearl excitedly, after immediately being hushed by a chorus of loud "Shhh!" From everyone, before Steven let out a low groan.

Everyone turned to the corruption as he rubbed his head and sat up. His eyes opened and scanned the room, he gave a scared look towards the gems, and looked down, "Hello.."

"Good morning, you have some tea on that cabinets behind you, if you'd like. " Connie explained sitting next to him, he glanced at the gems before grabbing the cup and drank out of it.

"Hey Stee-Man, today we're gonna take you around the town, try and help you remember stuff, how about it?" Amethyst Said in her usual relaxed tone. Steven looked at the purple gem with worried eyes.

"Can Connie come?.." He asked quietly, Connie looked at him with sorry eyes before looking at the gems.

"Of course she can" Pearl said in a caring voice, "how about we go to the Big Donut?"

He looked at Connie with confused eyes, she gifted him an encouraging look. He drank some more of his tea, "Sure.." He responded, not making eye contact with the gems.

"Perfect," Garnet spoke, She adressed Greg, "Where will the concert be?"

"On the beach, around 9:00 hopefully" Greg informed.

"We'll be there" Amethyst confirmed before Steven placed down his cup and Connie stood up. Steven stood up and followed the group outside, sheepishly.

Along the board walk, Steven was unnaturally quiet, he walked fidling with his 20 fingers, every now and then glancing towards one of the gems, as if to check on them. He himself was getting stares as people passed by, however they kept their distance due to his terrified face.

Except from Ronaldo.

"Steven!" Ronaldo yelled, holding his phone high above his head from inside the fry shop, pushing PeeDee to the side, "What happened man?! Wanna be in my blog!" Ronaldo continued to hurl questions at Steven, as he ran outside and pushed pass the gems, getting directly in his face. Steven brandished a petrified look as the blogster advanced.

Steven staggered back, only for Ronaldo to start analysing his new form, grinning his new arms and taking hundreds of pictures, and filling Steven's eyes with blinding light. The impersonal theroist started to prod at every inch of Steven's new limbs, his tail and horns.

Worriedly glancing at Steven's terrified expression, Connie sternly spoke up, "Ronaldo, stop. Your scaring him."

Ronaldo arrogantly continued examining Steven's tail, "No I'm not! He knows me! He's fine"

"But he doesn't know you! He doesn't remember anyone! And you poking him is stressing him out!" Connie exclaimed.

Ronaldo stood up and looked at Connie, Steven immediately ran to sheild himself behind her, "He's been through alot recently, and he's gotten a bad case of amnesia and he's really scared right know...could you lay off until we help him get his memories back? Then you can ASK him to be on your blog." Connie angrily explained, failing to keep her composure. 

"Aw man...I'm sorry Steven, I didn't know.." Ronaldo apologized before sadly walking back to the fry shop.   

The gems all went to check on the shaken Steven, he saw their approach and hid further, behind Connie. Shutting his eyes tightly, beginning to hyperventilate, clearly having a panic attack.

Connie turned around to face him, "Calm down Steven, it's okay...He's gone and the gems won't hurt you.." she calmly said.

"Steven...we're hear to help you..."Garnet calmly spoke, crouching down to his height.

He instinctively backed away, looking at the fusion, his fear overwhelming him. "I-I'm sorry...I know I shouldn't be scared of you but...I can't help it...I don't know what's wrong with me...I'm sorry..." He apologized immensely, pushing his hands over his eyes, Connie rushed to him and tried to comfort him. She looked over to the gems for support, who in turn looked at each other.

"Wait! I have an idea" Amethyst yelled before running off.

"Amethyst where are you going?!" Called Pearl.

Amethyst was gone for about 2 minutes before she sped back with a box from the Big Donut, she ran towards Steven, slowing down as she got closer.

"Heeyy..Stee-Man...I got you some donuts..." She said slowly Connie turned to her and Steven uncovered his watery eyes. He looked at the box and back at the purple gem with conflict.

He stood looking at her for a moment before slowly walking forward to her. Her eyes lit up, and she slowly opened the box. He walked sheepishly towards her and took a donut. The other gems watched this strange but meaningful exchange with hope for Steven.

He inspected the Donut, and looked back at the smiling purple gem. He sat down. Facing the ocean, and took a bite out of the Donut. Connie joined him and Amethyst sat next to him too. It was obvious he was still scared but he let down his guard, atleast for now.

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