Lowly Gem.

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Connie's theory was correct, just moments of silence passed before the Agate once again emerged from the cockpit with her resting sour face, followed by the silent Jasper, the annoyed Lazuli's and the obedient Peridot. The Agate marched over to Steven, who looked weakly up at her, still very dazed from his previous encounter with them. The Agate snapped her heels together and the Peridot opened his cell, the Jasper stood ahead and harshly gripped Steven's arm, hoisting him up aggressively.

"Don't hurt him!" Called out an enraged Ruby, with the gems and Connie sharing a similar expression of protective anger.

"Silence, you will be presented in due time." A Lazuli spoke, with a smug expression on her face.

Steven's head spun in circles, his vision blurry, his legs weak and his skin felt overly fragile. He instinctively gripped his sore head, as the Jasper dragged him to his feet, before he was lead into the cockpit, staggering next to the large gem guarding him, close to falling with each shaky step. The Agate followed the pair and the Peridot and Lazuli's where left to guard the Gems and Connie.

The Crystal Gems looked on in panic as Steven and his captors where encased in a pod and lowered down into the Homeworld atmosphere. Saphire seemed to be the calmed but a strong presence of deep rage emitted from her small form. Ruby and Amethyst paced their respective cells, desperate to protect him. Pearl and Connie shared a scared look, both their brilliant minds racing with escape plans.

"There's no point in pacing." Boldly said the Lapis with the Gem in her arm, "You won't get out, not again."

"That's only because I'm here this time." The Peridot spoke, examining Connie with great interest.

"Well! We! Uh.. Lapis tell her...Something!" Whined the Lapis to the other, who simply rolled her eyes.

"All that happened last time was we where caught off guard. Nothing more. It won't happen again." Said the other, seemingly more mature Lapis, glaring at Amethyst, who returned her look with another salty glare.

"I suppose that is a plausible excuse. However, I have another." The Peridot denoted, using her limb enhanced fingers to create a screen in front of her, "It was this human, we didn't take into consideration of the material it's made up of. These force fields block any beings made up of light, however hey do not block organic material, which this thing is made up of. All we need to do is watch it so it can escape. But to do that we need more muscle." The Lapis's both looked on in confusion towards the Peridot's explanation, before the green gems turned to the cockpit, "Jasper!" She called.

A Jasper walked loudly towards the group, her skin orange with blue sploches of corruption. As she came closer, the Lapis with her gem in her navel backed away in disgust.

"Jasper, your assignment is to watch over this human so it does not escape." The Peridot ordered, however Jasper didn't like that at all.

"You know," Jasper started with an enraged smirk, "Back when I ordered a ship, I ordered a Peridot just. Like. You."

"Yes. But you do not order this ship. You might not be aware but Japsers are a remarkably low rank on Homeworld. You were a fluke and got lucky to even get a Peridot, let alone a ship. Now your orders are to watch this human. After this you can go to the zoo with the other Japsers." The Peridot explained coldly, looking down at her screen, before walking into the cockpit and closing the door.

A shocked expression filled Japser's face. Low Rank? No, it couldn't be, she was higher than so many gems before...It was impossible that she would rank so low as a simple guard. Connie examined Jasper's face and her disbelief.

"Jasper..." Connie whispered, grabbing Jasper's fragile attention, "If you help us, you can start again, on Earth in little Homeworld...You don't have to be ranked"

Jasper quickly responded, "I deserve a rank! I am better than all of you gems! I'm not as low as some...some lowly amethyst guard!"

"Hey!" Amethyst took offence.

"Okay then...there are so many jobs on Earth! With ranks!...You don't have to stay at Little Homeworld...You can join the Army?..." Connie pressed on, catching the attention of the Lapis's.

"Hey!" The Lapis with an Arm Gem marched angrily over, "You best keep it shut! Or I'll make you! Your lucky I have Lazuli here to hold me back!" She made a threatening stance, with her arms behind her back. A few awkward moments slowly passed by before the Lapis turned her head to the other, "Lazuli!...Hold me back!..." Loudly muttered the Lapis, before the other Lazuli quickly walked over and put no effort into leading the Lapis away with her arms.

"Well...Jasper?" Connie quickly asked hopefully, with the close watch of the rest of the Crystal Gems.

Jasper looked to the ground, a million and one thoughts racing through her mind at the speed of light. She carefully considered her next move before walking over to Amethyst's Cell and opening it.

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