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The pebbles around the floor shook to the low rumble, a huge gust of wind blew through the orange walls. The group turned to see what was causing a disturbance.

An outstretched green hand lowered down into the atmosphere. Emitting a strong, fierce energy. Garnet gritted her teeth, "I should've known White Diamond wouldn't come on her own ship. Everyone hide! We'll ambush them and take over the ship" She yelled, before Every one disbursed.

Connie looked up at the green hand and back at the bloody Steven, she hugged him tightly before running off. He looked after his friends running away, before looking up at the imposing hand. He felt his heart beat out of his chest, he was sweating bullets. He stayed close to the metal bars and gripped into them.

The hand threateningly hovered just above the canyon. From the palm came a comparatively small floating circular pod, similar to Peridot's old escape pod. Jasper stepped forward, as the pod floated slowly down into the canyon's walls.

As the pod reached the ground, it opened to reveal a small group of around 5 gems. An Agate, 2 Lapis Lazulis, a Peridot and a Jasper. All Era 4 gems and from the diamond patterns on their clothes, made for White Diamond.

"I trust you know why we are here." Stated the Agate, snapping her feet together and tilting her head up, looking down at Jasper, in disgust at her partially corrupt form.

"Of course. But I thought White Diamond would come to get it herself." Jasper responded, through gritted teeth, not appreciating the Agate's look.

One of the Lapis Lazuli's, who's gemstone was on her forearm let out a sly laugh, "You think White Diamond would come to Earth for a collection?! Ha!"

The Agate shot the giggling Lapis a stern look and the Lapis immediately straightened her back, and look forward, "Lazuli is right, White Diamond sent us, her loyal workers, to collect the Corruption." The Agate explained, before walking over to Steven, "Peridot." She snapped, and immediately the Peridot walked slightly behind her and both gems glared at Steven.

He backed away, analysising both gems. The Agate's gem was on her neck, just below her chin. She had a disapproving look of disgust painted across her face. As the Peridot used her limb enhancer fingers to create a screen and start typing something in.

Connie and Lion where watching this interaction from around the corner, Amethyst hid inside a small defect Jasper hole, Garnet was across from Connie with her gauntlets ready with her back against a wall and Pearl was gripping her spear next to Garnet.

Connie gripped onto Lion's main, she was gritting her teeth and clenching her fists. She wanted so badly to rush in and protect Steven. He was helpless, surrounded, scared and hurt. She kept a close watch on the new threatening gems, and glanced at Garnet very often, she wanted so bad for the signal to attack. She wanted desperately to protect Steven, and she was sure all the Crystal Gems where too.  All of them had their weapons ready, and even Lion had his teeth barred.

"Commander, this corruption meets White Diamond's standards. However, his form is slightly damaged" The Peridot informed. The Agate nodded and then turned to Jasper.

"Do you know why it is like this?" She snapped.

"He did that to himself. I couldn't stop him." Jasper responded with a steady tone.

"Well, no point in dwelling on it. White Diamond is waiting." The Agate clapped her hands before marching back to where they first landed, "Jasper, the gem destabilizer."

The Jasper she came with nodded and summoned a white gem distablizer and marched over to Steven. The Jasper gripped the middle metal bar and ripped it out of the ground as Steven instinctively backed away.

As the Jasper threw the metal plate to the ground, Amethyst's whip wrapped around her and tightened, forcing her to the ground. Garnet had rushed forward with Pearl and Connie, who was riding lion.

"W-What is the meaning of this?!" Yelled the Agate, furiously smallish her foot to the ground before Garnet goes to punch her. She swiftly manoeuvres out of the way, and summons her own weapon, a light blue electrical flail.

Connie jumped off Lion in front of Steven, she ran towards him and hugged him tight. Amethyst flung the Jasper against the wall and followed her with a spin attack.

"I-I'm okay Connie" Steven reassured her, placing a hand on her arm. He stood up, "Come on, we gotta help." He said with a smile.

Connie stood up aswell before the two Lapis Lazuli's blocked the exit, one holding the white gem destabilizer. They both wore a sick grin on their faces. The one with her gem in her navel was the one who spoke, "Listen, nothing personal but White Diamond wants to see you, and I don't think she'll be happy if we don't fulfil her request." She flipped the distablizer in her hands.

Steven let out a low growl and he stood in front of Connie, holding an arm out to protect her. She looked up at him, knowing that he knows she can fight, but she saw his eyes where different. His iris's where narrow and he had a look of defensive rage on his face, like an animal protecting his territory.

The Lapis with her gem in her arm laughed at his defensive stance, "Let's go Lazuli."

Two wings made of water appeared on her back. The other Lapis raised her hand and the wings floated up into a ball. Steven instinctively shadowed Connie's body more, as the Lapis Lazuli flicked her fingers towards him. Two streams of water charged directly at Steven, who held out his arms to block the attack. Once the water hit him, the Lazuli clenched her fist and two chains of water appear on Steven's left wrists.

"Steven!" Connie gasped, before he was dragged towards them by his wrists. He dug his feet into the ground to try and keep distance, it didn't work.

He was dragged to the Lazulis and they smirked at him with evil chuckles. He snarled at them before the Lapis with the distablizer pointed it towards his gem and powered it up.

Steven let out a yell of pain before passing out.

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