On the Ship

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"Saphire!..." Connie joyfully gasped, catching the blue gem's attention.

"Connie, what happened?" Saphire hurridly asked, looking at her new surroundings.

Connie pushed through the white force field, her entire body fizzing. She checked for any other gems before running to Saphire's cell, " You guys where poofed, and now where in this giant hand and I don't know where anyone else is, and Steven got hit with that weapon thing and--"

"Calm down," Shaphire interrupted, sensing Connie's distress, "First things First, we have to find everyone else. Can you get me out of here?"

Connie looked down for a moment, breathing slowly and regaining her compsure. She sighed and nodded before placing a hand above Saphire's height in the force feild, freeing the blue gem.

"Thank you. Now let's go find Ruby and everyone." Saphire stated before begining to wander away down the green halls, followed by the concerned Connie.

The two wandered cautiously through the ship's corridors. They passed by many empty cells until they came to the end of a hall, where in a cell a lonely Pearl sat against the wall, with tears streaking down her face. "Pearl!.." Quietly called Connie, making Pearls expression change instantly, as she stood up.

"Connie! Saphire! Are you okay? Where's ruby? Where Amethyst? Where's Steven?" Pearl bombarded the pair, an expression of worry and joy mixed together covering her face. She was hushed by Saphire and Connie helped her escape.

"We're finding every one, however, those gems have separated us very far apart. I believe the Jasper is patrolling these halls, and the Jasper we know is in the main control room, with the Agate and other gems." Saphire explained, Pearl processed this as she wiped her cold tears away, before nodding.

"Right, then let's go and find them." Pearl ordered, and the three went off and found the rest of the Crystal Gems.

Eventually they found Ruby and Amethyst. Saphire and Ruby instantly fused and formed Garnet, then came the task of finding Steven and taking over the ship.

"Garnet, do you see where he is?" Connie worriedly asked, looking up at Garnet's half star glasses. Garnet remained silent for a moment, presumably looking into the future.

"He's close to the cock pit, and the Lapis Lazuli's are keeping watch over him. Our best bet is to poor the Lazuli's and free Steven before we take over the ship. But," Garnet explained before glancing down the long corridor, "Quickly, this way." She whispered heistily, before dashing to her left, into an empty cell. The gems and Connie quickly followed suit and hid in different cells.

The heavy thud of footsteps obnoxiously filled the halls, the Homeworld Jasper marched down the corridor with the Agate just in front of her. The Agate's heels being drowned out by the Jasper's steps.

"White Diamond will be so proud of me! Fulfilling her request, AND getting her those wretched rebels. OH! Just imagine her delight when we are invited into her personal ship!" The Agate fawned, unknowingly marching directly passed the Gems and Connie, who were all holding their breath, "I don't understand why the Brilliant White Diamond would want such a wretched creature in her presence but it won't be awake for a while! Not after a hit from the Gem Distablizer she personally energized." Her voice trailed off as she turned the corner.

"Well, talk about convenience..." Muttered Amethyst, mostly to herself, as everyone emerged from the empty cells and looked down the halls.

"Yeah, but it was lucky too, now we know that Steven won't wake up for a while..." Worriedly said Connie, " We gotta get to him.."

"No objections here" Pearl agreed, with a determined look on her face. 

Garnet and Amethyst both nodded in agreement before the group marched stealthily towards the cockpit.

"UGH this is so boring!" Wined a Lapis Lazuli, who was just down the hall from the Crystal Gems, " Why do we have to stay here?! It's not waking up any time soon!"

The gems slowly crept forward as the two Lapis Lazuli's bickered, "Its just some safety precaution, but ya know, I've never seen anything like this before. A corruption, that's what it's called right? Jeez..if these where on Homeworld I would warp to the nearest planet and stay there.."

"Me too, but on a different planet from you." Proudly announced a Lapis. The Crystal Gems all hid either side of the halls in separate cell. Pearl snuck her head out to the hall, and glanced into the cell next to the bickering blue gems.

A pale white forcefeild blocked the entrance to the cell, just like the force fields blocking everyone else in before. Pearl could bearly inside the confine space, only the pink sleeves of Steven's jacket could be seen.

As the white gem curled her head back into the cell, Garnet signalled Amethyst to attack.

The purple gem summoned her whip and dashed out to the centre of the hall way, and before the Lazuli's could react they where wrapped together and squeezed tight, until they both poofed. The rest of the group silently emerged again and hurridly ran towards Steven's cell, as Amethyst bubbled both Lazuli's and placed them into the same cell, and activating the force field.

Pearl deactivated the force field blocking them from Steven and the group all rushed to him. He was laying limp on the cold green floor, his fists where loosely clenched and his body was giving off occasional sparks of White electricity. His face displayed a pained expression, through the dried streams of blood.

"Steven-" Gasped Connie, in joy but mainly worry, sliding to his side. She gripped one of his arms and felt his wrist. He had a pulse, but it was very slow. Pearl bent down on his other side and Garnet and Amethyst both watched on from the entrance.

The group all remained in silence for a moment, before it was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the cockpit door opening.

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