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"What are you saying, Amethyst?" Garnet questioned with a strained tone, edging closer to the purple gem.

"Uh, I dunno, what if like, she's just reversed it for now? Like maybe ugh...I don't know..." Amethyst blushed, looking away, thinking her idea was stupid.

Garnet focused for a moment, deliberating the posibilities. After away moments, Garnet painted a scared expression.

"Garnet? What's wrong?" Pearl walked towards her, placing a reassuring hand on her arm.

"It's sick...its inhumane! How could she...No! It's not...it can't---argh!" The fusion glowed white and split into two short red and blue gems. Ruby had her hands gripped against her square hair, literally fuming with rage, leaving a large burn mark where she stood. Saphire had a completely different expression; her body and face was pointed to the floor, her white gloved hand covering her eye which was overflowing with tears, seemingly over the same thing as Ruby.

"Saphire! Ruby! What's going on?! What did you see?" Connie frantically asked, trying to comfort both gems at the same time, which was proving difficult as they where a few feet apart.

"White...White Diamond she's...oh stars no..." Saphire started before her sadness over whelmed her.

"She's keeping Steven in a state of corruption! Hurting him constantly! That...That b--" The teary eyed Ruby yelled, angrily wanting to vent.

"What?!" Amethyst, Pearl and Connie all yelled in shock.

"No she can't be..." Connie stammered, with the sudden realisation of what's happening to Steven.

"W-Wait...look, on the thrones, is that...?" Pearl pointed to Blue and Yellow's thrones, floating above the seats where two large blue and yellow diamonds in white bubbles.

"She's taken over the place!" Ruby roared, her feet catching fire.

"What are we gonna do? Oh...Steven must be in so much pain...I can't bare to think about it...." Pearl stammered, covering her face as tears flowed from her eyes.

Amethyst and Connie looked at each other, both clueless on what to do.

Connie turned to Saphire. Then Ruby. Finally Pearl before thinking very hard; focusing on the ground and blocking out the sounds of the sobbing space gems around her.

"What if I fuse with him?" Connie suggested, surprising all four gems, "If we form Stevonnie, I can convince him to come back to earth and then we can figure out something from there?"

"That m-might work." Saphire's stammered, standing up and wiping her face and composing herself, "But if Amethyst's theory is correct, then what will happen to you? You can't get corrupted but we don't know what will happen to organic matter when fused with a corruption."

"I'm willing to take the risk."

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