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"What are you doing?!" Screeched the Lazuli, reaching for Jasper's arm. Jasper strongly threw the Lazuli down the hall the the Lapis summoned her wings and stole the water and formed a ball in front of her.

Connie stepped out of her cell and ran to release the other gems as Jasper glared at the Lapis. The orange gem clenched her fists and the Lapis stretched the water to cover her arms,  ready for one on one combat.

"You know, I thought if I came back to Homeworld everything would go back to normal. But if what that Peridot said was true then there really is no point in going back." Jasper announced with a growl, "As far as I'm concerned I'm well above any one you! I won't back down or kiss any of your behinds! Come at me, Peasant!"

The Large and Small gem charged at each other, Lapis punched Jasper's chest, however even with her water inforced strength Jasper, with ease, gripped her arm tightly and threw her over to the Lazuli on the ground.

Connie had just freed the other Crystal Gems, Garnet fused while the others watched the fight. All of them rooting for the confused and conflicted orange gem.

Jasper stomped over to the Lapis and Lazuli. The two looked up at her towering form and glare.

"H-Hey..Hey Lazuli?..." Trembled the Lapis, gripping the blue gem's arm tight.

"Yeah L-L-L-Lapis" Stuttered the Lazuli in return.

"How many times h-have our f-forms been disappated t-today?" The Lazuli barely asked before the two where poofed.

Jasper held the two identical gems in her hands, Connie walked up to her. She placed a small hand on Jasper's huge arm, watching the gems in her hands, as if they would reform instantly.

"I thought...everything would go back to how it was..." Jasper unexpectedly opened up, "I was perfect...Strong...Powerfull...Fearless..Perfect...I was made to serve Pink Diamond...but when she was shattered...well, I guess she wasn't shattered shattered but...ever since that day, everything changed...Without My Diamond to serve...what was my purpose? To serve a diamond I wasn't made for? To protect the world I was made in with the rebels? I was...scarred...

When I first was assigned my mission to check the cluster on Earth, the last thing I expected was to find Rose Quartz...In Steven's body, too. But that made me more scared...what happened after that? It was a mess... I was a mess. I found this new hatred and loathing towards Steven, which drove me for a period of time... I searched out Corruptions and forced them to serve me. I was hungry for power and control, I...I couldn't handle the lack of it, the lack of control.

White Diamond contacted me to get Steven to her...She told me she could get Pink Diamond back," The Crystal Gems gasped in unison, as Jasper stood up and discarded the two powerless gems in her hands and turned to the others, "Now I see that she wants it back how it was 6000 years ago too. She wants Pink back and she wants to control her like she did back then."

"Control?.." Connie began.

"I-I've been told that before I was given to Pink, and before Pink Pearl was given to White, White had much more control over Pink than Pink realised. White infantilised Pink to the point she lashed out like a child, like White wanted. White wanted to keep Pink naïve and easy to manipulate." Pearl shuddered as she spoke.

"Infantalise?..." Quietly muttered Amethyst in confusion.

"White Treated Pink like a child." Pearl explained with a hint of strain in her voice towards Amethyst's moment of confusion.

"Yeah well anyway, not to ruin the moment but uh, Steven is WITH White Diamond. Right now!" Amethyst announced, disregarding Pearl's insult and waving her arms in the air, causing everyone's head to turn towards her.

"Amethyst's right. Our top priority is helping Steven." Garnet agreed.

The scheming soon came to an end by the sound of a high-pitched throat-clearing coming from behind the group.

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