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The Gems and Connie snuck towards Pink's room, being watched by the gems making up the walls. There was no gems wandering the halls to interrupt them. Until they turned the corner.

"Well, hey you guys!" Said Spinel, excitedly, her dark tear markings on her face gone.

Her presence shocked each of the gems, "Spinel!" Garnet gasped, "Spinel, we need to get by."

"Why? You guys seem in a hurry haha!" The jester laughed.

"Steven's in trouble" Amethyst cut the convosation short, shocking the pink gem in front of them.

"In...trouble? How?" She stammered, bringing flashbacks to her fight with him.

"White's erased his memories, now he can only seem to remember Pink's time on Homeworld. He's terrified of us aswell." Pearl explained.

Spinel stayed in silence for a moment, "I-I'll help you's the least I can do.."

"Thanks, Spin" Amethyst said, and the group started to head to Pink's room again.

The group quickly reached the large door of Pink's room. Pearl walked to the lock and typed in the access code, opening the door, revealing Steven and another Pearl.

Her hair was long and pastel pink, going down to her waist, however her eyes where pure white. Her outfit was a simple, basic pearl outfit with a white and pink colour sceme. She was laughing with Steven about something before the gems interrupted them.

Steven's face dropped into a fearful expression upon looking at the gems. The pearl's eyes started to glow brightly and her smile turned into a blank expression.

"You do not have permission to be on Homeworld." The Pearl spoke, in a loud, almost robot like voice. "Please leave immediately."

"No, wait listen! We just want to talk to Steven" Connie explained, but upon seeing the Pearls confused face she added- "We need to talk to Pink."

"There is no need. You are making them uncomfortable. Please leave immediately." The Pearl repeated.

"ARGH! Come on! This is so stupid just let us talk to him!" Amethyst cried out.

"I would advise that you leave immediately before someone gets hurt." The Pearl threatened, snapping her neck at the outraged Amethyst.

The gems fell silent, not knowing how to proceed, Connie's mind was racing with ideas and Steven hidden away on the balcony.

"H-Hey! Pink! You wanna go to the garden?" Spinel spoke up, stepping forward from the group.

"The garden? That's still a thing?" Steven sheepishly said looking at Spinel curiously.

The comment Steven made stung at Spinel, bringing back memories of waiting for 6000 years. The Gems and Connie however took her hint and realised her idea.

"Yes, the garden! That would be a brilliant idea! We can also refurbish it for you, My Diamond!" The Pearl said to Steven, ful of energy and emotion.

"Well, Okay.." Steven quietly agreed to, still feeling the presence of the gems at the entrance.

The Pearl snapped her neck back to the gems and Connie, her eyes glowing again, "I advise you-"

"Leave we get it." Garnet and Pearl both spoke out, clearly angry towards the new Pink Pearl in front of her. The Crystal Gems and Connie all began to leave and go to a warp pad.

Once the door has closed, Steven relaxed and smiled again, "Lets go to the Garden then! Gosh it's been a while" He grinned.

"Y-Yeah, it really has" Spinel agreed, twitching slightly in sadness and regret, bit still forcing a smile.

"Come, My Diamond, we'll take your private Warp Pad." The Pearl announced.

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