The battlefield search

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Pearl landed in the strawberry battle field. Bismuth's weapons lay untouched and dead surrounded by gem shards from thousands of years ago.

"Steven?!" She called out, not expecting an answer but hoping for one.

Pearl walked around, continuously calling his name, She searched and searched but couldn't find anything.

Butterflies surrounded her as she walked, they jogged her memory to when they attached to Steven's eyes on his 'serious mission'. She laughed quietly to herself, before continuing forward.

Strawberries as far as the eye can see, it was so peaceful compared to all her memories here with Rose. Pearls mind suddenly started to race with her memories of Rose and their time together, he blushed a light blue colour and walked to a cliff edge and sat down.

She remembered recruiting all the Crystal Gems, trying to fuse, helping gems feel better about themselves. An overwhelming wave of happiness filled her body, it took her away from the world she was sat in, She drifted into the past, helping Pink Diamond first shift into Rose, showing her the earth, rebelling with her. She couldn't help to smile, a big broad smile of pure joy and nostalgia.

She remembered how Rose protected her from the Diamond's corruption blast under her shield. They cared for each other so much, more than anything.

Then Rose met Greg, which brought Pearl closer back to earth. The jealousy she felt, how smug she was towards him. The sorrow and hurt she felt when she told her...

"I'm pregnant, Pearl. I'm having a child! Isn't that amazing?" Rose triumphantly yelled to Pearl, joy in her voice.

Pearl didn't copy Rose's joy however, She didn't want Rose to be taken away. Rose saw the betrayal in Pearls eyes as a rush of regret flowed through her form.

"Pearl, listen. I'm giving up my form for this baby... I really want them to be happy. But I want you to be happy too. I'm not disappearing, I am going to live inside their gem. I want you to look after them, like you looked after me all those years ago." Rose explained in comforting voice.

"Are you sure? You'll be giving up your form...forever,  no turning back..." whimpered the now crying Pearl.

"I'm sure..." Rose reassured, "Would you like to feel?" She added, rubbing her stomach. Pearl hesitantly placed her hand on Roses stomach, her first meeting with...

"Steven!" Pearl exclaimed to herself, snapping back to reality. She stood up and looked around her, She ran around, trying to make up for lost time.

"I completely spaced out...oh no...Steven I'm so sorry..." She said to herself, tears streaking down her face.

Pearl wiped her eyes and started to walk back to the warp pad, before the warp whistle song played in her ears.

She picked up the pace, practically jumped onto the Warp Pad and activated it back home.

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