Chapter 31 ~ i Swore I'd Never Be Happier

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As Yoori left my apartment there wasn't much left for me to do other than stay deep in thoughts. All he said were true and i want to confront Matt as soon as possible but at the same time knowing Yoori will hurt kills me.

How do I know that Matthew's feelings are true and I'm not just a replacement for Jiwoo... Silence had filled the rooms but clouds had filled my mind and not long after everything went black.

The day after was intense. So much dancing so much singing, so much practice. So that's what a comeback feels like huh? The place crowded with people and yet all i could hear were the foot stumps.
"Don't you love it when your best friend doesn't hear anything you've been saying??" That sentence brought me back to earth.
Sm: "Excuse me??"
Jw: "Yah, are you ok?? You've been spacing out all day. Whats wrong?? Tell me." Jiwoo placed her hands on my shoulders as i dropped my head a little.

Sm: "I'm just.... confused. that's all"
Jw: "If this is about Matthew than sis you have nothing nothing to worry about. Plus, we're having dinner out at that nice place tonight. You can talk to him tonight about it there." Jiwoo comforted me.
Sm: "Yeah i guess so... Come on now we have practice to do"


I'd think after all the exhaustion i went through today the day would be over but nahhh. Out of nowhere our dear CEO decided to throw a huge fancy party for his dear children in celebration of the success we've been having.

One shower, snack and a 3 hour nap later i started getting ready.

While putting my glam on i got a phone call from Jiwoo.
Jw: "Heyyyy look, just wanted to let you know that Taehyung is taking me to dinner so we can't go together but it's ok cause Matt said he'd pick you up so be ready."  Without even giving me a chance to reply she ended the call leaving me like that, in a state of confusion.

Sm: "Oooookayyy I guess..." I didn't think much of it till the moment i was actually in the car with him.

Bm: "Somin, is something wrong? You look like something's bothering you."

Sm: "N-no... I'm ok, just thinking about something Yoori said to me earlier." I said as i was playing with my fingers on my lap. I had no idea why i was so nervous. Maybe because i was alone in a car with him, maybe because i had kinda ignored him the whole day or maybe because i was going to tell him i want him mine??

Bm: "Oh.... was it something important?" His happy face faded a little with the mention of the other boy's name.

Sm: "Yeah actually, but it's just something between me and him so no need to worry." I said in hope of stopping the questions since i know i'd eventually spill that we had talked about him.

Bm: "okay." He threw me a forced smile. I couldn't notice his irritation due to me being freaked out the whole ride. I wanted to talk so that this thick atmosphere would thin out a little.

Sm: "Omg look!! The sunset looks so pretty!! Just like the one i saw with Yoori once!" To me it was genuinely gorgeous. Since it reminded me of my friend and his courageous words to me i felt a little less dense opposite to the boy next to me who had grabbed the steering wheel with all the strength he had while clenching his teeth.

Bm: "mhm"   All he could do was agree. He couldn't risk anything else get out of his mouth.

I felt like words could come out easy if i talked about stupid things i had done with my friends. Nothing could go wrong with telling stories right?

Sm: "I remember that day as if it was yesterday. We were sitting down at the park and he-" with no warning he drastically stopped the car and pulled over.

Sm: "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED????" I got so scared i could feel my legs shaking on their own. "MATTHEW WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR??"

Bm: "sorry if i scared you" he said in a low gentle voice before getting out of the car and heading towards the woods. Without hesitation i followed behind him trying my best to catch up.

Sm: "Matt!! MATT!! Stop!!" I finally got to him and grabbed his arm. "What's wrong with you?? What happened back there??"

Bm: "I don't know Somin. Why don't you go ask your sweet Yoori??"    What?? What does Yoori have to do with this??

Sm: "Matt tell me please!! Why are you acting like this??" Following him around in normal days was hard enough so being in the middle of the woods in heels wasn't helping very much.

Bm: "No actually it's fine Somin. You can continue to talk about him it's fine. I get it if that important thing he told you were his feelings and i get it if sunsets remind you of your amazing date with him but please if you don't want me tell me so I don't go on wasting my feelings on you." I froze.

I could feel the hurt in his eyes and voice but i could also feel the one in my heart.

Sm: "Matthew... you got it all wrong" he stopped walking and turned to look at me waiting for what i had to say. "I don't have feelings for him, he's not you. The important thing we had talked was him encouraging me to show you what's in my heart and give it to you. That "date" you say we had was to calm me down when i was missing you cause you weren't talking to me." I hadn't noticed the tear falling from my eyes till i saw it hit the ground.

Bm: "Somin...-"

Sm: "I'm sorry if i hurt you Matt. I didn't mean to. I know I'm not the best at these things but please don't mistake the feelings for you for someone else." Two strong arms wrapped around me holding me as if id disappear if they let go.

Bm: "No dear, I'm the one who's sorry. I shouldn't have gotten jealous and I shouldn't have thought you were messing with me, I'm so sorry! It's just scary being this in love."

Sm: "Matt...." i finally got the courage to look up at his face and give my all to him.   "I love you"

He let out a little relief laugh.

Bm: "I love you too my little Somin" without missing a second our lips connected under the dimmed moon light and i swore, I'd never be happier.

The end.

That kind of love (Somin x BM) K.A.R.D.Where stories live. Discover now