A new day a new begining... (ticci toby x reader) chapter 1

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" [name] You're gonna be late!" My mother yelled at me so she can get me up and going, I groan with a massive headache in my head. I lifted a corner of my sheets so I can have a peek of my alarm clock...it was 7:25.....Fuck! I was gonna be late on the first day?!?! I immediately got out of bed and rush my self to get ready, I put on my clothes as fast I can so I can get a head of time. I rush down the stairs to get my backpack until the sweetest smell came running through my nose. It seems to come from the Kitchen. I poke my head out to find out what was that sweet aroma, it was a plate with three thick fluffy waffles stack with whipped cream and strawberries, my mouth started to water. "You can have them when you get back." my mother said "but mom!" I said whining, I wanted to eat so bad. They look so appetizing. "No buts...you got up late..." i rolled my eyes cause it was true. " if you've got up early like you were supposed to then you would've gotten them." "Ok, I get it" i said with frustration, " bye mom." "Bye [name] I'll see you this afternoon." I close the door and on my way to school. I didn't live that far, in fact I can just walk their easily. All I had to do was go through the forest then the bridge. It was pretty basic. I just moved in to this town. My mom said that she wanted to start over with a new life with out my dad. I don't blame her, he was an asshole, making big arguments over small things or making promises that he can't keep. With a lots of thoughts in my head I see the school. Feeling anxious and nervous my hand started to shake. What if no one likes me, what if no one what's to be my friend, what if I make a fool of myself, all these thoughts running in my head. I walk inside to the main office, " hello can I help you with something?" I see the receptionist who sees to be in her mid forty's. "Umm y-yes, I'm [name],[name and last name]? I don't know what class I'm supposed to be in, can you help me...please?" With the receptionist not making one look at me she tells what class I'm supposed to be in. "Ok your class is C218." "ok thank you." I thanked her with a small smile. I walked up the main stairs well to my class, my heat was racing, cause the more I look that the class room numbers the more I realize that I'm close. My heart stop to see my class room number, I took a deep breath to calm me nerves, with doing so I knocked on the door. Waiting patiently the door open, "You must be [name] correct?" "Y-yes, I apologize that I'm late" I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Oh no don't be, it's your first day, just introduce yourself to the class and take a seat. I'm Ms. Beverly by the way, but can also call me Ms.B." "Thank you Ms. Beverly."

(Play video on the top)

I walk into the class room with a million eyes on me (exaggeration) I've never felt so scared of my life. "Class this is [name] she will be joining us for the rest of the year" with everyone in the room looking at me I started to froze, where it comes to a point that I sort of stuttered my words. "H-hi I'm glad that I-I'll he joining you all..." I said with an awkward smile on my face. " ok [name] you can go find your seat" I skimmed my eyes around the class room to only find one seat in the far back, it was right next to a boy with light brown hair and beautiful Carmel hazel eyes. Walked over to my seat putting my backpack behind my chair. I didn't wanted any awkward silence between me and the boy so I decided to introduce myself to him. "Hi, I'm [name] what's yours?" I asked greeting him with a small smile. "T-Toby." "Well Toby, I'm new here so I don't know the school that well, so do you mind if I can hang out with you for the day?" His eyes stated to widen. " s-sure I don't m-m-mind." "Thank you"....


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