Redemption...(ticci toby x reader) chapter 19

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I struggle to gasp for air as I pull the two dead bodies of Rebecca Miller and Casey McLeanal. I sigh in exhaustion, questioning how much longer will it take for me to reach my home? My arms were starting to hurt because of pulling the two dead corpse of my bullies. I wiped the sweat off my forehead feeling more tired then ever. My legs slowly shaking, as they can no longer support the amount of pressure. In the distance I see my house, I sigh and giggled in relief knowing that I was almost their. I opened my door noticing that my mother wasn't home yet. Thank god. I dropped their bodies that were no longer needed to be carried. I stoped a moment to panic and figure out how am I gonna get rid of the bodies. I Paced back and forth to come up with a solution. Then I thought of it. I come up with a plan. I dragged the bodies once more and moved it to the downstairs bathroom and left them into the bathtub. The red blood stains were still on my hands, so I proceed to wash them off with cold water. I soon then realize that their blood was still on the bridge. I wasted no time to make my way their. I checked the bottom counter of the sink and I found a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a old dusted red cloth. Instantaneously grabbed the two objects and run to the bridge. The blood was still their. Doing so I started to clean up the blood with the hydrogen peroxide and old raggedy red cloth. Eventually the blood was no longer their, I sigh in relief. Knowing it's not visible anymore. But their was still blood spatter stains on the rocks. The bridge had a river underneath and the current was strong. So I picked up any rocks that had any blood stains even the slightest bit of red, I still picked them up. And dropped them into the river. Allowing the water waves to wash it off itself. I sigh again, knowing that I had one thing done, but now it's time for the hard part.

-time skip-

(Play video on the top)

I made my way home and walked through my backyard to the shed. The sky was slowly getting dark, as I can see the the yellow orb slowly getting dimmer and dimmer. I eventually reached to the shed and grabbed the items I needed. A shovel and duck-tape. I went inside through the door and made my way to the bathroom. I sigh once again, knowing that this will take a lot longer as I expected. I continue to drag the corpses out of the bathroom and out side of the house. Eventually I reached to the far back of the  forest. The forest was dark, the only available light source was the moonlight. Allowing me to see somewhat clearly. After a long day of hiding the bodies I started to dig.

-time skip of hiding-

What seems to two feel like two hours of digging I finally dig the whole deep enough to fit them inside. Once they got inside the whole this will end. I looked over at one of the girls body. I grabbed their ankles and began to drag their corpses in the whole. I only had one more left until I heard a twig snap behind me. I felt my heart dropped as I began to panic. "Who's their?!" My voice was a little bit shaky but I mostly worried of who or what was watching me? The static was once again in my head...I felt a small yet painful shriek. My body felt light and my head was spinning, my vision started to blur and the last thing I could remember is falling down and seeing someone's shoes. It seems to be black converse if I was correct. Then I blackout...everything was a haze of foggy memory...

-time skip to the morning-

"H-hey [name], it's m-me you r-re-remember me?" I woke up immediately as I gasp for air. My heart felt like it was sinking and my lungs felt like they were dying. I took a moment to calm my self down realizing it was a  dream. I put the palm of my hand on my cheek questioning why do I dream about Toby?
What does It mean?
Was it a hallucination?
My pondering thoughts were cut off by the sound of my bedroom door opening. "Oh good you're awake! You got me worried for a second" it was mom. She walked in with a tray that had three stacked waffles and orange juice. I herd the birds smallest chirps outside my window and the trees that were gently blown by the wind. I look to see how the calm woods is and the open blue sky. "Helllo earth to [name]?" My gaze was soon cut off by moms hand waving across my face.
"Is everything ok?"
"Y-Yeah, everything's fine."
"Well eat up your breakfast, school is canceled today."
"Didn't you herd? Two classmates in your school has gone missing..."
I felt my heart drop again. My palms were starting to sweat. As it was getting harder to breath. "Oh...that's sad." I said trying my best to sound empathetic. My moms smile soon faded away into a small frown.
"Yeah. It is. I'm just thankful that you're not missing [name]." She said as she regain her smile once more.  She then closes the door and left me alone. I listen carefully as I hear her muffled footsteps retreating back to her room. I instantaneously lifted my bed sheets and
tip-toe my way downstairs to the back to the deep part of the forest where I hid their bodies.
I remember vividly that I had one more left to hide. I looked around as I was familiar with this part of the forest, realizing that I was almost their. But something wasn't right. Before I could react.

The body was gone.

The whole was covered, Nearly unrecognizable. With the dirt. The shovel was gone as well.

Did someone saw me and finished the job?
Either that or someone found the body and took it to the police?
Or did she...she couldn't  still be alive-right?! No! I'm sounding crazy!
I killed her!
I made sure of that!!
She has to be dead!!!
I put my hands over my head as I started to hear the same annoying static in my head again. I breath deeply and heavily and shut my eyes tightly in annoyance. "For got sake! What is that sound?!" I said screaming at myself. The static soon faded away as I herd the empty void of the forest. Doing so their was a letter on the ground that wasn't their before. I open it and began to read.

Hey :) I finished what you started. Hope you don't mind. No one knows...except for me. I won't tell. You don't have to worry. Your secret is safe with us ;)

Wow! That took me a while -^-; anyways I really really hope you liked this chapter I was kinda struggling with this scenario but I really hope you like it (sorry for the repeat) and that's all bye ❤️

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