When it first Occurred...(ticci toby x reader) chapter 15 occurred

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(warning; This chapter will contain a little bit of gore and some domestic animal abuse, just a heads up...)

Name POV
I was running in the never ending mansion. The hallway was dark and dusted, it was hard to see anything... "[name] were are you going?! Come back!!!" I was being chased by a man with brown hair, Orange googles and two hatchets. What does he want from me?! I some how founded a way out of this horror house of a mansion and into the forest. I look behind me, hoping he lost track of me. I took a moment and stopped running to catch my breath...the woods was dark and foggy...all I could see was the trees and how it was never ending. Out of know where my head started to hurt. I felt a sharp pain in my head and static, until I heard a voice...[name] my child, you have no where else to run...you are one of us..rather you like it or not... I looked at my hands to see red blood, I started to panic. How did the blood get their?! Who did I murder?! I started to cry as I have no escape of what I've done...the voice in my head spoke again...don't cry my child, you're home now...
I woke up immediately. I started to hyperventilate. Trying to catch my breath from that horrible dream. I probably got up too fast cause my head started to hurt. "[name] get up! Or else you're gonna be late!" I heard my mom yell from down stars. "Coming" I got up to get ready for the day. I brushed my hair to get rid of the knots. I tied my shoes and ready to leave. I noticed their was a red anonymous stain on my shoe. I wiped it off. But doing so it only spread around. I look at my hand and their it was...blood...I was panicking again. I didn't know what to do! Who did it get their?! "Mom!"I shouted my mother for help, my hands were shaking in fear, what would she react?!
"[name] I heard you, what's wrong?!" My mother came in bursting the door wide open. I was crying. "Mom l-look!" I was shaking. My words began to stutter. I showed we my hands and she examined them.
"Honey theirs nothing their!"
"What?! No! Their is, l-look!"
"[name] I'm telling you, theirs nothing in your hands!"
I looked back at my hands to see the blood that was once their, disappeared...I looked back at my mom. She had a worried expression on her face. "[name] is everything ok?" I stoped shaking. "Are you sick? You can stay home if you" "no!...I'm...fine..." I said. Cutting off my mother before she could finish her last word. My mother sigh and allowed me to go to school, despite the fact of what happened.

-time skip-
I was sitting right next to Amy in the cafeteria. Still trying to process of what just happened. How did she not see the blood?! How did it get their?! I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't know what was happening around me.
"[name]!" I heard someone yelling my name. I look up to see Amy with another concerned look on her face. "[name] i shouted out your name three times, is everything ok?" Didn't even realize that Amy was talking to me. "Everything is ok, don't worry." I said to her. "You sure? You're looking pale" Amy said with one eyebrow raising up. "Amy I'm telling you. I'm fine" I said. Smiling to her, I didn't want her to worry for me. "Oh look! It's twitchy freaks girlfriend" I heard a voice from behind me. At that point I knew who it was. Rebecca Miller. Of course who else would it be. "It's such a shame that twitch of a faggot died...but then again who ever cared for him!" Rebecca said, laughing at her remark of a joke. I hated her. She deserves to die.

-time skip school is over-
(Play video on the top)
I was on my way to home while I was venting in my head, Saying how much Rebecca Miller was a bad person. And how she deserves to no longer be alive. My thoughts were interrupted. I heard another twig snap. I quickly turned around, hoping I wasn't being followed again. But my fears we gone and my eyes met with a small rabbit. I smiled in relief and bent down so I can make better eye contact with the small rabbit. Doing so it gotten closer, closer And closer. It came to the point where the small animal was right next to my feet. I couldn't help but to scratch the back of its ear. The small rabbits puts his face at the palm of my hand, signalizing he enjoys being scratched. The rabbits fur was white As snow. And his nose was rosy pink. But every stoped...My vision went black. I couldn't see anything. I was slowly panicking. I didn't know what was going on! I heard something snap loudly. I didn't know what I was doing. I hand no control of my body. I felt my hands rose upon my head and through something to the ground creating a loud thud. All I could do is just hear and feel. But I couldn't see what I was doing! My vision slowly started to regain back to normal...in the distance I see the same rabbit but his head was snapped and his eye were wide open. It was dead. The fur was no longer white and clean. It was covered in red crimson blood, their was a large gap on the side of the rabbit. Revealing its organs and his rib cages. Not only that but their were bloody hand stains on the side of the rabbit. I was now shaking. I looked at my hands and I was in shock to see blood on my hands. I slowly hyperventilating. I was panicking. I felt tears role from eyes. I killed a innocent creature. I huddled myself, no longer wanting to look at the corpse of the rabbit...I have to hide the rabbits body...

Thank you for reading this chapter again -^-; I really REALLY hope you liked this. The next chapter will involve more than just animal killing so yeah get ready;) ok that's all I have to say bye❤️

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